
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Whats Next?


What Next?


So January came down on Missouri like a frozen landscape. With a temperature transition from the mid 30;s to an all of a sudden dip down to the nightly low 20;s and a flash crash snowstorm that left us  covered in snow and mud.

Luckily making sure I have enough food and fodder for my ancient charges is not an issue I have  to pay much attention to right now. I gave every blade of grass I could find off my fields away this last Summer to a  rancher I knew who needed everything to produce beef for Americans to eat since no actual American politician cares enough about US citizens now. The Democrats like BiteMe got their own special people to worry about and pay for it seems, and of course any social security money I made before I turned 60 is in one of their campaign accounts somewhere now and not available for my use no matter how much they raise my property taxes until then.

I am still not sure what I am gonna do about that yet, I guess after it begins to warm up some I will take my old un-needed ass out and try and find a job to keep my decrepit butt alive until I go to a world without Democrat crooks for a change.  At my age disability is not an option as long as Democrats are in charge and anything I made prior to 1975 is gone, they made sure of that by the 1980s for more of their vote buying I am sure.

I feel sorry for everyone now stuck  in this mess the Democrats made. I pray it will be over quick when the time come.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!

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