
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Snow Day


Didn't do a whole lot today except watch the storms roll by on thierway East and take care of emergencies here and there. So far things have progressed pretty mild. Most of the rain and snow stayed North or South or just whizzed by before much damage was done. The Arctic cold is not really forecast until next weekend and now kinda mentions alot of Arctic air may stay more North. What is it with weather people right now that each of them have to mention snow with an obvious giddy tone likes it makes em happy?

Lets hope things stay mild until this hateful Winter Cold is gone!!! Usually it begins to warm up here is Missouri in March but the Arctic air still concerns me I will be a nervous wreck until it is gone and I get the video problems figured our,

More time to wait. story of my like this time of year.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. Yup. We’ll be seeing the first Siberian High air masses by Wednesday. So you’ll probably get them a few days later… after we’ve warmed ‘em up for ya here in Alberta… 😂👍

    Stay warm, PP.

    1. If they are like Canadian Feminist canuck women think it makes em more entitled I think

  2. I'm busy extending my raised bed gardens, adding 10 more. Getting older I find that growing veg is very tiring on my back and knees. This frozen weather is playing havoc with my plans.
    Once complete I'll have 30 beds 16ft x 4ft x 2 ft deep.
    I still have pumpkins/squash, corn, wheat, oats and potatoes but I use my tractor for those.
    The beds are filled with 1/3 well rotted manure, soil and compost I've made. Years ago I started putting the chickens on the raised beds over winter and built netted pens and coops that fit on the raised beds. It dramatically reduced the amount of pests, slugs and snails have almost completely vanished too.
    Given world events I'm expanding everything as much as I can.
    Been following you for a long while.
    Keep the faith PP
    All the best
    Reality Check.

    1. Sounds great I havent had time to do much yet this year!!


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