
Thursday, July 20, 2023

A New Day and Inventory Lies


It finally stopped raining and the humidity calmed down this afternoon so I was able to get back out into the survival garden and was not disappointed. The new method of growing corn worked through these two weeks of storms and I did not even lose one plant. Not to mention the cucumber vines don't even seem to phase these corn plants. The new hens are also quite in love with the fenced in area and over head cover of the corn plot. The Rooster is not too happy about his new girls disappearing into that jungle so much however.

Here is a video of the rooster coming and getting them before feeding time and bed.


 He finally coaxed them out!!


Aside from the normal commercial whining I hear or read all the standard hype about the housing crisis due to low inventory. What a crock!!! Low free femocrat money is why not inventory and these fruadulent investors and construction companies can't sell a price tag high enough right now to make it worth their while to ruin some more pristine farm land.  It just isn't worth their inflated idea of prices to make it payoff enough for them.

There is plenty of land out and about for someone to invest in but no free money to pay for it and real work is a complete no go for most of the types only interested in building new construction. They are just angling for another massive Democrat welfare check and hoping they can claim a bad economy to make this one worse before the next election.

This economy needs one thing, to be left alone to recover from Democrat manipulation not more stimulus and pandering to those less fortunate groups of voters they love to pay off.

it got up to 91 while I was out and managed to get four tomatoes re-trellised but all in all there was little damage for almost 2 weeks of constant storms and wind with no maintenance !!! I almost got a full garden variety set up of hardy self sufficient plants ready to go.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Yep, we are in the same boat up here in Canada. I’ve heard there’s 50 year mortgages out there now. Young people can’t afford to buy homes and start families.

    I knew we were doomed when our pink socked prime minister said he would “balance the budget from the heart outwards…and the budget would take care of itself…!” How could you NOT voat for a guy like that?

    We are so screwed.

    1. Filthie - I happened across a couple of young Men from the US North West talking about the housing situation I need to cross post. Those guys were very informative about what is really going on in so many ways. The amount of greed alone was staggering when it is exposed from prices. It's not going to end well.


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