
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Reading - Still Catching Up


It's been a wonderful last few days weather-wise and the slowest work-wise I have seen in months as well. Which doesn't bode well for my near term paycheck but I managed to get over half of my neglected yard work done and a big chunk of my unkempt garden back into order.

The new additions to the flock are learning the ropes, becoming individualistic in some ways and already starting to pick up some bad habits that I am pretty sure the rooster is teaching them. 

More on that later.

All the recent rains brought back many of the Fairy Circles I have got around the place that I have not seen in years. The one above I had to take a picture of as it was the size of a dinner plate and the largest I have seen around here ever. 

I made a huge dent in the Buffalo Burr infestation that has been growing unmolested now for about 2 weeks and got about a dozen of my wind blown plants repaired with new trellising/support too.

Still lots of work to be done and if I am honest I will admit its going to be a mess now until Fall I am sure as I am now spending as much time harvesting and feeding cucumbers to the retired sheep and goats as doing anything else. The new chickens are just as excited as the the ones with hooves when they see me chucking produce over the fence now. 

The financial Panic seems almost palatable in some financial sectors of the West while many fanbois keep repeating it's all OK. the Dollar is strong etc. Yet Internationally the amounts of US assets dropped by China are even making Domestic US news now...

Why the Dollar is Finished

Just the Dollar drop on the chart about half way down the article is enough to be really concerning IMO. Add to this the latest news of Italy wanting to join in the fray and the BRICS making the Gold Linked rumor official for their August summit while the West still prints it as a rumor you can just tell those at the top are worried even if the masses are still ignorant is prevailing right now.

I will admit I have given up trying to see how this is all going to play out. Having inexperienced greedy children in charge like we do makes forecasting reactions impossible. Especially since a sizable percent of those children are now ruling Europe too. American Democrats only need a few followers to convince themselves the rest of the world is with em.

I remain glued to the same gut instinct I have had for 30 years or more and that is we are going to have to be self sufficient to get through this before it is over. It's already obvious the US is running out of money for their pet projects and victim politics. We are already seeing massive declines in law and order in many places around the country and that is getting worse. 

Early Winter forecasts are threatening  a colder than normal Winter for the Small-Hold this year so I am going to have to start collecting wood next month I guess. I still have a decent supply left from last Winter yet but it is looking like I am going to need much more at this point. What ya wanna bet Democrats try and outlaw wood burning before then?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. They can outlaw whatever they want. Since the rule of law has been officially broken, I will not be complying. But now is the time to buy what could be potentially outlawed before they will be unavailable in the future.

    1. Wendy - I couldn't agree with ya more!! I wish you were a neighbor!!!

  2. Hey PP,
    Silly question from someone stuck in suburbia; I have clover starting to invade my front lawn. Unfortunately I don't have any livestock (suburbia). In the past, I have used a lawn spray every year or two to control clover. Since the "current thing" I have extreme reluctance to spray chemicals for something like clover on a lawn. Do you have any suggestions on how to remove it without spraying unknown herbicides? I have vegetable gardens in my back yard and eat what I grow.


    1. Anon - Is it small white clover or larger colored type. Personally I would never kill clover period myself of any type. The small white clover is Dutch Clover and honey bees love that stuff!!! Often times during dry periods city and suburban honey bees survive almost exclusively on watered dutch clover lawns. I grow dutch clover all around my garden and mow it in patches so the local bees always have a bunch to work year round and then they discover all my cucumbers too!!

    2. Its the larger coloured type. I thought they caused bindiis in the lawn - which is why I used to spray clover clumps. I never realised there were several varieties so looked it up on goolag. Turns out I'm likely mowing too low and have low nitrogen levels in the front yard. I'll be fertilising the crap out of the lawn (pun intended), set the mower higher and likely won't ever spray it again.
      Thanks for pointing me in the right direction PP - you rock !

  3. I dunno why I do this. I’m on Alt Media and I have gone over to the Dark Side. But when it comes to our economic house of cards, and I start looking at the big players involved… and I’ve seen a pattern that I cannot un-see.

    Our finances won’t improve until those people are removed from their posts, and a meaningful currency is re-introduced that is pegged to a gold standard.


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