
Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Very Disappointing Day


This has been a rather disappointing day. It got hot again and although my wife loves to point out that I just feel this year is different because I am getting older I am convinced this is one of the worst Summers I have experienced within near term memory. It is just so hot and humid, especially since the rains have begun again I am finding it difficult to make myself do much at all. I am intimately familiar with Missouri wet, humid, and hot weather but not in Mid July. That's June weather. By late July it is time to do lawn mower stuff and enjoy dry heat and sunshine while just keeping things trimmed up. 

It's also the time when vehicle factories are closing for retooling.

The Scamdemic maybe over officially but some of us are plagued by the catch-up still. I am not complaining about the work but my usual schedule for getting things finished were screwed and put me behind which now due to this messed up weather has kept me from catching up at all. Alot of that is my own fault since I not only increased my garden footage and over did it on new varieties and space but also failed to estimate just how much extra work having to do it on my own for the first time in decades was really going to hit me.

I have to admit my son was not the best co-worker for keeping up with yard and garden work but he was the greatest damned stock animal keeper that there ever was. I never had to worry about feeding, or keeping an eye on new chickens and making sure they were put up properly when he was around. I will also admit that no type of weather really slows me down, even now, like hot weather of about 90-some odd degrees and high Humidity above 75%. That combination just wears me right out. 

It was like that today without so much as a passing breeze. It was at least mostly cloudy or I would have gotten nothing done except napping in the AC all day. To top it off I ordered in the wrong type of scandisk for my Go-Pro and now I need to order in a proper one before I can figure out how to begin using it.

I did manage to get the overgrown area around the garden mowed and got two of my fallen down tomato plants re-trellised, picked and fed some over ripe cucumbers to the animals and got all the water tanks refilled. Then figured out that by planting too many new and untried plants I am definitely due for a squash bug plague of epic proportions soon. 

The untried Dragon Egg cucumbers and pumpkin plants are absolutely crawling with those evil things. Never again!!!!

Next year I am starting a new area specifically for those varieties at least 100 foot away.

I have not so much as seen a water melon even start this year yet. 

Still this is a survival garden so the results from less than optimal care results are progress as well. The entire thing has grown into one huge jungle so far this year.

On the plus side of things though I am seeing Jelopeno's now But still no Habeneros. The corn rows have become the favorite hang out spot for the new hens as they get used to the  free range life. They are fenced in there and safe from the rest of the world. The new hens are actually going to bed in the coop all by themselves as well after only the third day. I had to help one last night. The Bluebird family is excited over their new house and the volunteer Sunflowers are working on their third set of blooms now.

I watched the latest podcast of  MacGreggor tonight and he not only confirmed my rumor of BiteMe calling up the IRR for European duty but mentioned the number as over 600 to my 400. The forecast also shows the humidity dropping in the near future as well. 

There are huge trees down all over the area from all the storms and I am glad I got all the roof repairs done and managed to find and hire a new helper a few months ago. So far the roof repairs and maintenance are holding solid!!! I sleep a lot easier with that knowledge. My next big move is figuring out what I need to do to get water to my little guest house. I have noclue where to start on that project.

I hope the weather begins to improve now!!


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. "this is a survival garden so the results from less than optimal care results are progress as well. The entire thing has grown into one huge jungle so far this year."

    I can relate! Probably better save seeds from the stuff that makes it.

    1. Leigh - I finally started seeing some potato seed pods today!!


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