
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Are These Worth The Effort?


Whenever I think of government waste one of the first things that come to mind for me locally is always the hilarious waste of the State Highway department.  I actually know quite a few people that work there as it is quite common for them to also have a connection or background in the regional auto industry. I also think it is funny when I see a number of techs that were all gung-ho about getting certifications doing nothing more than bringing fleet vehicles to be worked on. 

Apparently I wasn't the only voter in the State that had a dim view of the department. I can remember one town hall where a chronic double dipper employee explained how much money was being saved by hiring retired employees back at double the salary then it was to train a new one. When someone asked if the re-hired for more employee lasted any longer than a new hire it was all mumble ahhh... you know.

So anyway here a few years back MoDot was fearing for it's life and gold plated benefits plus pensions as it's budget was up for some kind of vote and they needed support. They put out an endless list of promises, most of which had little do to with highways. The whole thing failed miserably.

One reason I love this State is there were very few woke idiots running around but I fear that may have changed with this latest housing and idiot migration move but more on that later.

So after the great shut up and sit down vote MoDot started adding these useless highway cables everywhere.   At the time I was shuttling a lot of vehicles to the nearest town a bit for work and counting that and what I see out around the Small-Hold they must have added at least 250 miles of this stuff just locally. 

I laughed and laughed thinking about how long these cables would stay intact and how much body damage was gonna happen from someone not paying attention.  In all my years locally I can remember maybe one incident of a vehicle jumping the road and killing someone. Lets face it those little cables ain't gonna stop a real off road crash anyway.

Sure enough it didn't take long. MoDot had five or six crews repairing these things full time and still were not keeping up. They claim if you damage one you are charged for it but if they are someone isn't paying. I lost count of how long a line of these things are down now just on the 20 miles stretch between the Small-Hold and work now. I don't think anyone is fixing them anymore but that maybe more of a Winter thing. 

If you think I am wrong please tell me. I am not some avid hater of these things they just seem like a complete waste and excuse for more money to me. Maybe in some area they are beneficial but around here even now they seem like a complete waste.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Here they wasted the money on I30- Texarkana putting up the cables just to turn around and take them back down to turn the median into 2 more lanes.

    1. Anon - I would think they would be dangerous more than safe myself.

  2. Politicians in general always seem to be easily influenced by sounds-goodism. Maybe that's because they have all that taxpayer money at their disposal it burns a hole in their proverbial government pocket. They just have to rush to do something with it.

    1. Leigh - YA gotta figure something to proclaim for their campaign slogans I guess :)

  3. Out here in the Wild West the big thing is those "center medians." You know, thos damned islands in the middle of the road that keep you from making a left turn where you want to, instead forcing you to drive another half mile to a mile, sit at a light, make a U-turn, and come back to where you wanted to turn. I guess this figured right if you're "governor" Newsom, who wants to tax us by the mile to drive... as if all the taxes he's put on gas and diesel don't already do that... When I'm in my Jeep, I take a quick look for po-po, and then left turn right across the damned things!

    1. Pete - YA I seen them in the larger town out West starting. I am sure they are worse now.

  4. Well I am a bitter and twisted hater - any excuse will do!😊👍

    Just looking at it… all I see is more debris and shrapnel in all the event of a mishap…but whadda I know?

  5. Wire rope barriers must be an international fetish. Hate the things as a motorcyclist.

    1. Blue - Oh ya I bet they are hell on Bikes and their riders. Damn. HAdn't thought of them really.


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