
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Slow at First then All at Once


One talent my wife has that drives me crazy is her complete inability to see connections at all. I actually think a lot of it is on purpose but that is why I don't even discuss matters of importance with her anyway.  Even proven connections to her are just suspected opinion at best no matter where, or who,  it comes from.

I had an economist friend back in the 80's I went to school with and we would discuss topics most people found so boring they would flee in terror who was like that too. Now he would always disagree but would listen or pretend he was anyway. I remember back in the mid 90's we had a discussion about community reinvest vote buying actions and no matter what he was convinced the various Democrat schemes would have no lasting effect on the financial industry at all. My opinions of course have been proven much more reliable than his over the years but the the one I got to rub his miscall into the most was the housing collapse of 09 and the sub prime loans that all started almost exclusively with single Female home buyers from the 90's.

You see Clinton and the Democrat's early moves besides decimating the armed forces back in the 90's was to force the lenders to loan to the target groups of the Democrat base. Back then being mostly single unmarried Women and forcing loan companies to regard the then over exaggerated government enforced Child Support payments/theft as actual income. Sure as night follows day by the late 90's and early 2000's Single Women had become the single largest group of home owners (and home loan holders) in the country and by the housing crisis (about 10 years on average after the changes and when child support payments on average from the mid 80's would end) then we had a sub prime loan collapse.

You rarely see anyone mention where that crisis started these days and it was soon followed by other groups that had benefited from forced loosening of  loan restrictions as well.  To lump then Single Women in with them would have hurt the racism charges anyway.

This new housing crisis is really no different except this time the government and Democrats in particular can limit themselves to geographic regions instead of smaller ethnic or lifestyle groups for their collective vote buying schemes. In doing so they have again ignored cause and effect and made a mess that is going to really stay with us this time I think. Of course the entire thing is exasperated by other such mistakes along the way with that same lack of connection talent these types have that I am not going to go into right now except to mention a few. Like losing the PetroDollar, focusing on so called Green Energy scams, starting wars of greed, allowing student loans to go unchecked... etc.

What is different this time is the overall target group for their financial gains and fencing of the stolen wealth. 

Did you know that the average mortgage interest rate from 1970 until 1999 was around 7 or 8 percent? Rates did not drop closer to 5.5% until after 2010 and then fell to the 3.5% (and lower)  range until after the scandemic and the vote fraud was in.

It is pretty easy to see here what they have done. The Democrats have spent every dime they, you or I have to buy their political power and keep this gravy train going and there is nothing left except to blame anyone else they can. Now if rates are raised it is the Fed's fault, even though rates are still at the lowest they have been in the 50 years from 1970 to 2020 and only higher than the Democrat scamdemic  period of 2020 itself. 

This is not a correction to address a 10 year old mistake this time, this is a correction made to address 50+ years of forced mistakes, public, private/corporate looting and favoritism and it has barely gotten started. Not only that but the amount of damage or mistakes they are going to make right now are not done yet either. Prepare yourself and those you love for a generational collapse cause it is going to take that long at least to fix the damage these Democrats have created.... And then some.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. Yeah I don’t get that PP. For some people science is a matter of opinion, and consensus. Truth is relative. Modern women have been hurt the most with this new age stupidity.

  2. Our "History" of the Great Depression is mostly fiction as research into family stories and records showed.

    Telling a fiction seems Gov policy.

    During the Great Depression families sometimes had to decide which of their several homes could support the extended family and how they extended family could scrounge enough "Coin of the Relm" to PAY the TAXES and thus keep the "Family Home".

    PLENTY of homesteads, farms and homes were SOLD on the courthouse steps for back taxes to rich bankers guarded by the Sheriffs. Black Rock anybody?

    Families that didn't often had all of their family on the road looking for a job and housing. Grapes of wrath stuff.

    Harsh but true. Several families with but a bit of this or that could stay home and slowly starve or group together and manage to eat decently. Kids often "Played" by fishing and picking wild craft foods for the daily meal. Many a "JOB" was paid in eggs and such.

    The wider the network the more opportunities an extended family had to keep the Tax man away and stay fed.

    Stone soup was a parable. Often truth in them.


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