
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday Reading - Mailbox Baseball


For as long as I can remember mailbox baseball has been a thing around here. My exe and I did not even have a mailbox the entire decade of the 1990's out here as it was pointless to even put one up. They rarely lasted more than a few days and the US Postal Service was still reasonable not only in cost but in service and paperwork back then that keeping a small box in the local small town was viable and easier.

Starting about the time the Democrats really infiltrated US institutions the Postal Service was one of the first victims and became so stupid and full of incompetent employees we decided to go back to a box. The US Postal Service was almost impossible to work with and than began reducing hours and closing smaller locations plus requiring DNA samples to even open a box it was worse than picking up your box from the side of the road.

A number of locals put some serious work into box defenses back then. The two mile stretch of straight road between the Small-Hold and the local town was comical and had some very well protected boxes up. I never took that route I just purchased a hardier box that would break away leaving the post intact and could just be put back on with little damage and a door that usually stayed closed well enough it rarely scattered any mail all over the road when knocked out.

Point of fact snow plows usually did more damage to my box than any bat swinging teen ever did. 

I think the local post office is open maybe an hour a day now. I don't know haven't been there in years. 

However I noticed something interesting last week that has been staring me in the face for years now but refused to click into my brain. There is one house that constantly has it's mailbox on the ground by the side of the road. Sure occasionally we do still get hit by some mailbox baseball. It happens but really is rare now a days. Until recently there really were  very few younger types out here anyway but still this one house gets hit constantly. I never put two and two together until last week though but that one house is the only house that puts up Democratic Campaign signs every election period.

I can remember seeing Obummmer signs there, McCaskill and Hitlery signs among others and wondering how they managed to keep their windows intact but I never gave a thought to their mailbox until I had to drive around the thing last week when it was in the middle of the road instead of it's post.

I know the family that lives there. Have known em my entire life. They are the last remnant of a very Political Democrat family that goes back before the civil war. I just put them into that category of dumb Democrats around here that had not seen what become of their party yet. In a way I was not far from that myself back in the 90's either. Problem is all the others that had that back ground all saw the light and fled the Democrats back during the O'bummer years if not sooner. 

I remember the last hold out that was close. He lives two farms down about half a mile by the older Subdivision and collects Farmalls. Great guy and was a solid Democrat but by the end of O'Bummer's first term was flying a Romney flag for the election.

Anyway I guess Mailbox baseball is still a thing around here but the targets have taken on a different meaning.

I can't say I blame em.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. "Great Guy and a solid Democrat.... was flying a Romney flag for the election..." Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

    1. Buddeshepherd - Back in 2012 before Romney really showed his colors and I would have voted for anyone over O'bummer then too. But ya he hasn't claimed to be Democrat since 08.

  2. One of the local stubfarts got the business done to his truck. Beautiful big Ford, his pride and joy. He had some military bumper stickers on it like “support the troops” and such.
    Some kids keyed the chit out of it, scratched peace signs into the hood and broke some of the windows.
    Every morning on my dog walk I pass a house of obvious liberals. Their car has anti-Christian stickers, BLM, environmental slogans..Uke flags…and I just want to take a baseball bat to that thing.
    Stuff like that doesn’t end well…

  3. Lol Filthie I hear ya. I used to hate those Coexist stickers on cars a lot but the chicks driving em were usually pretty easy :)


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