Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Ahh the Propaganda Is Getting Stronger


So almost right off the bat this morning I see an article on the WEF pressuring the US to reduce agricultural land, especially cattle production. Followed closely by collapse bloggers mentioning the various droughts that forecast reduced wheat, corn and soybean yields this year and warnings of food shortages later on this Fall. 

All of this hard on the heels of news of the FED pause.

I swear everything done by any institution attached to this latest  Femocrat kindergarten BiteMe regime is like some kind of political modern art painting. 

A quick stop by one of my favorite often wrong with zero understanding Vblogs (that I frequent for entertainment purposes) yields me declarations of celebrations due to the Fed pause and housing value increases along with a declaration of an increase in freight movements and supply.

I had to stop at that and then do a bit of poking around. Last I had heard was West coast shipping has been totally screwed for a few weeks now.  

If you are not the kind of person that likes to stay abreast of International shipping it is understandable you would know nothing about what is going on but basically there is a huge fight developing between the "necessary" Longshoremen union, who has been working at a payrate set years ago pre-Scamdemic and the shipping companies through the Pacific Maritime Association that have been pulling in record breaking profit for years now. Even after the restrictions were lifted up to this year these freight companies are banking serious profits.

Yet the longshoremen's contract ended some time ago and they were required to continue working under the old agreement due to guess what? Covid. 

Now there is a lot more to this and if you are interested I suggest doing a search on the situation but Braindead BiteMe sent his "Acting" Transportation Secretary to get an agreement. Meanwhile Freighters have been stuck in ports for weeks and now the Canadian Longshoreman union is threatening to join in on the fun in support of their American brothers.

One other thing that I think needs mentioning about this drama however is that the PMA appears to be totally dominated by shipping companies from BRIC nations while two of them a Mediterranean and a North sea company each are fuming mad about the lack of cooperation... Hmmmm. BRIC shipping stirring up economical issues and refusing to pay Western Workers? It's almost like they know shipping to the West is gonna be real low soon anyway so why negotiate?

At this point I then came across an article about African Nations ditching the Dollar and remembered this is The week for the BRIC economic Forum in St. Petersburg so just to see I did  a search on economic and political protests worldwide. I was amazed that the only big drought and food issues I seem to be able to find right now are here in the US. Seems to me I remember that limited inflation caused Watermelon vendors to chase Kahdaffi into the Desert some 20 odd years ago or so. I don't think I ever remember a time when there wasn't issues somewhere in the world while the US was peaceful. Seems to be the polar opposite these days. I wonder why?

Then we come to the head of NATO basically demanding that the US send 2% of our GDP to continue arming the Ukrainian war machine while news agencies post fake pictures of captured Russian Territory under Ukrainian troops that bugged out a week ago.

All this and the FED pauses while warning rate increases are set in stone and going to happen soon. So why pause at all?

I suspect that as always everything connected to this corrupt Femocrat regime needs some good news and will get it no matter how many lies they need to spin or temporary numbers they need to manipulate.

Stay Prepped and plan accordingly I think the real bad news is much closer than many suspect.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. PP, these guys are playing with fires and forces they don't understand. They've developed and absolutely lethal sense of entitlement and completely turned on the people they are supposed to lead, This will not end well.


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