Friday, December 16, 2022

No Place Like Home


I have been to most larger regions of the Continental US at some point or another. Lived in a fair number of them too for at least a little while and I never did find one, not one, I daresay I did not like although usually a deal breaker popped up eventually that always sent me back to Missouri. Often times it was the weather although I have to admit it took me a while to appreciate everything between the panhandle of Texas and the first signs of Californian beaches at first. Until I saw some ski-slopes in New Mexico and visited Flagstaff anyway.

I was just never as impressed with big rocks and dry dirt like many are although I can see the attraction and the prolific hot springs are always a joy.

Most often what really got me was the very cold weather honestly but occasionally a large environmental event. I didn't mind the constant nosebleeds in Santa Fe. The Lack of trees in Eastern South Dakota. The creepy crawly bugs below Tennessee or the more active snakes that came with em. Not even the damned rapid shellfish in Florida that would latch on to me as I waded in my own bloody pool bothered me much.

But a couple of things that did bother me were. Winter Storms that can turn a person or a whole buffalo into an Ice sculpture in about an hour and they will still be standing there come May... frozen.  Snow drifts that you can hide entire houses in (saw that around the great lakes regions more than once) and they build side porches up there in Winter so they can be at ground level without shoveling. Hurricanes. I don't like them either and it took me a while to finally figure out why everyone had garage doors on their private balconies too. Mudslides.. ditto. When it is so dry you have to name every little dry stream bed for the one time it rains enough to clean all the dirt out of it. Silverfish...just ick. Nuff said. 

Now I don't dislike cold temperatures, within reason mind you. Even here in the paradise known as Missouri we have three months out of the year were our average low temperatures can go below freezing,,,,Just barely and often only at night. Usually only enough to put a sparkling sheet of crystal over a refreshing stream or pond that you can break to  a magical musical tingle and watch the shards race away. 

Yet somewhere way to the North I hear an evil cold land lays named AlBertha that just loves to send frigid air down to destroy the warmer paradise known as Missouri.  We are prepared this time though with plenty of firewood and heat powered fans in case the electricity goes out. The Ice Monsters otherwise known as Canadians will not freeze us so easily now.

We are prepared this time!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!


  1. Good gravey! Stop your whining PP! It’s unmanly!!!😂👍

    Jump on the splitter, friend… next week the Siberian High will start kicking in. We have -30C at night so it is coming! Reckon it will last half a week or so at least. Stay warm you guys…!

    1. Filthie - I am not whining. Just explaining why living in the barren frozen North is UN-natural and evil is all :)

    2. And believe me a lot of log splitting is happening today and Tomorrow but it already in the teens here at night with high winds. I hate it!!!

  2. Missouri? I thought ya'll lived in Texas! I had Basic training in Fort Leonard Wood and have driving through Missouri a few times in my life. I like the Southern Ozark region and I am a mind to be moving there this spring. Know of any good RV camping place whilst looking for a abode?

    1. Cederq - Nope I live along the border between the North plains and the Ozark Forest region along the river. I find I usually like border areas but in this case it allows for more frigid winds to come rushing down. I don't go very far any more but they used to have them all over but these days who knows with all the land converted over to houses these days. Still I bet it hasn't invaded as much South and East of Camdenton yet. My favorite part of Missouri is actually The lead belt area of the South East just above the Bootheel region but I do keep that kinda low key :)
      I spent a good amount of time at Leonard Wood over the years.

  3. I grew up with that kind of weather. I dealt with Alaska winters while in the Coast Guard, including MANY patrols in the Bering Sea. I'm a "Cactus Coastie" now. Yeah, I know; California this and California that. With the likes of the critters attaching themselves to the alabaster in DC like barnacles and the MILLIONS of illegals streaming into the country though, it won't be long until the whole country is "California..." ...At least the weather will be good here... and I'll be able to do a winter garden...

    1. Pete - CAn't say I care much about the few plants that can be grown here during Winter but except for the rare Arctic blast I usually love the weather here. Days of rain is sometimes annoying however. Eventually conditions will get bad enough the illegals will start going to other direction I figure.

  4. I live in NW Missouri on 48 acres of the farm that I grew up on. My work took me all over the US except for the extreme Northeast. I enjoyed seeing all of it, but my present location is hard to beat. My farm is a couple of miles from a paved road plus the terrain is pretty cut up with hollers, so I don't expect any new construction any more complex than a deer stand. The weather could be better, we are expecting 15 below this week, but that is rare. I am on my 77th solar orbit, so I won't be leaving except in a box. And the box is only if they find my carcass before the coyotes do.

    1. Tickmeister - Ya the temps up there can be challenging. You must be along the river hill area up there it sounds like.


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