Monday, November 21, 2022

It's Like a Locust Plague


This is just getting to the point I am about to snap. Seems like for a good 20 miles around The Small-Hold everything is just stripped bare these days. There are lines everywhere or empty shelves after you wait in the lines. The three little gas stations are putting bags on their pumps more often than not. The nearest fast food places with drive through lanes are barely worth waiting at and three times now the lines were short enough I decided to wait only to have them give my order to the car in front of me that drove off with it.

Just friggin locust devouring everything around these days. 

I cannot even give any remotely accurate observations of shortages locally cause everything is out of stock due to all these new people flooding in.

Of course all this goes down right when we enter what many are calling the worst economic downturn of our time so you know there ain't one bit of anything business-wise getting built now for years around here. Just more locust housing.

I stopped in at the local gas station this morning on my way to work and finally just gave up after 30 minutes in line to get gas. I just drove on into the nearest medium sized city 20 miles away. Every place is just packed to the gills now and every employee says they are too busy to do anything regardless.

Looks like I am just going to have to adjust 40+ years of routine habits and go back to the way it was out here when I was a teenager. Make sure I stock up every time I go to town and don't forget to adjust my definition of a town while I am at it. Cause I ain't getting anything nearby once I am back out here.

Unfortunately it is too late to flee somewhere sane now. 

I feel like some character from a Heinlein novel these days to be honest. Sans the incest proclivity anyway.

I tell ya though I haven't thought of those old novels in years I may have to reread a few now.

I read the other day that something like 36% of all the loans produced for those silly little rock climber side by side things over the last year are now in repo status. Since every new house they put up out here seemed to come with one maybe the houses will get repoed by the banks and then sit empty and fall apart eventually. Not that I wish hard times on anyone but all these people are really making the lifestyle I loved so much a scarce commodity around here these days.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. You might be thinking that all those people are "coming from that damned California!" but you'd be wrong. I don't know what it is, but for the past several months, the freeways out here in the Wild West are utterly CLOGGED. Maybe all those illegals Traitor Joe ushered in brought cars with 'em. Who knows? The traffic sucks more now than it did pre-plague.

    I'm not noticing horrendous shortages; just horrendous PRICES!!! I use kerosene heaters to supplement and to take the load off the HVAC during the day. I saw the writing on the wall and stocked up on kerosene during the summer. 2.5-gallon jugs of the stuff have gone up TEN DOLLARS since then. And that's just ONE LINE ITEM! As O'l Remus used to say, "Panic early... Beat the rush..."

    I truly understand your dismay over the influx of people. When I moved to my podunk Western town, the population was just over 7,000. Now it sits at 89,000!!! And with these people came their city ways, attitudes, and crime. I still live on the edge of the boonies, but "the future" is definitely creeping in... And like you, I'm getting too old to start over...

    1. Pete - That's bad 80K jump yuck. I doubt many if any are from Cali, or actually from outside the State in my opinion. I think most of them are just people who wanted to move further from the small to medium sized cities we have around the region honestly. I mean in truth no younger guys were able to buy even a small farm out here in decades and the farmers that were left are retiring and selling out so the people with money, mostly older guys or family conglomerates bought all the land and started building houses on it. My guess is the local city landlords than started renting all the now available places out to the new migrants from other places.
      My guess is the abundance of these side by side rock climbers everwhere. I don't think someone from another state would just be getting them because they bought a house that was now barely semi-rural. You almost have to have known it was already a thing with the few rural young guys that were left if you see what I mean.
      There has always been a large percentage of younger city folk around here that dreamed of being rural but could never manage it but suddenly the magic of debt and government free money made it possible.

  2. PP, interesting feedback. Here in New Home, we are not really seeing such pronounced shortages as we are the price hikes that Pete refers to. It does not mean I think the shortages may not come, only that (being in an urban area) they will probably hit here much later due to market and perceived available cash.

    Here it is apartment buildings, not houses - huge ones, as fast as they can throw them up. Even a larger long term concern because of course, such small living places make storing and preparing for disasters or just really bad times virtually impossible.

    1. TB - Well I really think the shortages I am seeing are just cause we do not have the infrastructure in place to handle all these new people moving in. Maybe a Blessing for us natives soon though. :)

  3. I'm seeing the same in my little rural area in the Ocala National Forest. Bought this couple acres 22 years ago because it was way out of town and there was not a street light in sight from the property. There was lots of fields and woods and about a quarter of the houses/trailers around than there is now. And most growth has happened in the last 5 years. I work weekends nights so not on the roads much during peak times but getting home Monday mornings at 8 am is more challenging. I haven't shopped much lately but getting the goat feed has been hit an miss for buying the usual fair. The girls kidded recently and the cost of feeding them has about doubled over last gear... And sadly I don't think any of these folks/homes are going to leave anytime soon...

    1. Annie - I hear ya. Doesn't matter how bad it gets these new houses ain't going to go away. In my case I just wish it could have held off another few years to let me enjoy another bit of it but such is life. These people who moved out here might go broke but a new batch will just move in when they do :(


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