Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far Far Away

It's not very often I get to see something that so personifies the decline and collapse we are living through as I did this afternoon.

Don't worry there are no spoilers in this post if you are worried about that. I won't go into any real juicy details I am just going to point out a few things to help me make my point.

I have noticed for some time now the entertainment industry seems entirely unable to produce anything new. I have often found myself wondering whether this was a sign of the decline showing itself because of the dumbing down of who is actually promoted, as in the case of requiring racist Brown skinned directors like Abrams who must put his PC-spin into the movies he has ruined. Or a lack of gambling and adventurous spirit as no one wants to back anything but a sure hit and the best way to insure a sure hit is to go with what worked before.

Maybe it is a combination of the two?

Anyway it seems pretty obvious to me the entertainment industry has been stagnant for years. They are only able to retell the same old tried and true stories but demand this time they put their own multi-cult/femi-nazi spin on everything. Which always means turning a White Male character into a Black and making sure he is compassionate and the obvious love interest for the strong leading White Woman character.

A sure sign of the decline of a civilization can be seen when it's art stagnates and ours has been pretty stagnant for over a decade now.

Ok so enough of that. I could ramble on for pages about what it shows and how it fits but it's one of those things that if you know what I am saying you get it, and if you don't, well nothing I say will convince you.

So what did I think of this new "Star Wars The Force Awakens" movie?

Well I thought it was the perfect holiday movie. The parents were all out at work and they dropped the kids off at the grandparent's house to spend the day. There was an entire neighborhood of them, plus the one Black family around the corner, and they all got together to play using grandpa's old stories from when he was in WWII as the template.

The only difference is these days they now have much cooler toys to re-enact the battles with!!!

The grandparents hobbled around making some cute one liners and sharing knowing looks and winks with each other while the children changed the story to fit their lack of patience and tried to ignore all that stuff about training and dedication. Raw talent is all anyone needs right? Besides that's more fun. Who wants to wait around and grow into anything, that's too much work, we want it all and we want it now. We want Easter egg prizes whenever the going gets tough. Hidden allies every step of the way to do the dirty work and take one for "our" team (meaning us) and villains that are simply inept White guys we can overcome with ease.

The new toys did look good though I will give it that.

If you get what I am saying here then you just do and you can see it too. While I am still convinced I am not going to actually see the other side of this decline I am now convinced I have seen our society from it's peak to it's lowest point before the collapse. 

The entire story of our decline was just made obvious to me in one two and a half hour movie. It's all there just a pale, distorted shadow of it's original depth and glory displayed before us with pretty lights and loud explosions.

At least the prequel movies kept the feel and the story alive to a point.

As I said if you understand what I am saying here you see how this fits into a sustainable and collapse blog. When this thing goes down many many people are going to fall hard.

May the force be with them....

And Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. Well I have not seen the movie Nor do I intend to. Same goes for the new Quintan Terrintino movie.

    Carl in the UP

    1. Carl

      I wouldn't have except I promised my son I would go and it was good times hanging with him. So t was worth it for those reasons not the movie itself.

  2. I am conflicted. I am a child of the original movies. That said, I have not felt the imperative to see the movie that I would have suspected I would. Part of it, being obstinate me I suppose, is that I fundamentally object to the idea that they let an entire mythos grow around one plot line - Star Wars over the last 30 years - and then just abandoned it, mostly for commercial reasons (I suppose). No coherence in a genre is not a thing that makes me want to rush out and see it.

    I will probably wait until it shows up at either the cheap theater or Netflix.

    1. Tb - That's the best plan. Like I said I promised my son and all. They threw out so much stuff in order to fit the PC narrative they wanted. It was really as a said a sad shadow of what it could have been.

    2. Maybe it is inside baseball, but the fan base did a fine job developing the timeline - in fact, I would argue one of the best of the series were the books that supposedly came right after The Return of the Jedi, The Thrawn Triology (Timothy Zahn). The crass commercialism of it all is what is truly disappointing.

    3. TB - The Thrawn stuff was pretty good and explained a lot as to how the Emperor was able to win so easily in the early periods. Also Luke rebuilding the Jedi order etc. which Disney threw out. I have read recently that Lucas isn't too happy with the changes Disney made but it's too late now I guess.

    4. Ironically I was in front of a TV when an interview of him was being done. He sold Lucasfilm for $4 Billion and is now happily married with a two year old. Is he not too happy about the changes? Possibly. But I think he has simply moved on at this point.

  3. Never saw the original ... Movies now don't promote intellectual thought. Notice how the scenes change so quickly. Dark, and angles. You can't focus and that is a problem with our youth. Their brains are used to quick, intermittent flashes of scenes. They can't be cohesive in their thoughts, and as young children, their dendrites in their brains never connected properly. This causes learning problems and undesirable social behaviors.

    1. so true. commercials are made to attract the short attention span and are quick moving and colorful, and loud.

  4. I saw the original at the theater but just don't have any desire to see any more of them even if it was on TV. They seem to just beat the dead horses to get the last breath out of them.

    1. Sf - I would have been easily made happy with this continuation. Hell I liked the pre-quels myself but what they did was just made the entire thing too easy I guess. This lead female picked up Luke's old light saber and battled the lead antagonist like an old pro with no training and having never even really held a light saber before. To me it was a yawn fest as far as what was important. It never showed any real sense of danger but was just a game.

  5. As a mother of 9 and 10 year old boys....we took them. They love the action and I was happy it was not full of profanity, but then Star Wars never really is-which is why I have always liked the movies.
    I was disappointed in the black guy. Its not that he is black, but because he could not act and was not believable to me. He just seemed like he was thrown in there as a last resort. And then to set up a potential love interest with the white girl, really threw me off. I am sorry, you can't get the same chemistry like Han and Leia had. It would have been better not to have him in the movie, and made the white pilot who he thought died the main male character..
    I guess I should be grateful they didn't make it a lesbian love thing...although I bet that's next.

    I am a fan of the original ones...Empire Strikes one ever.

    1. JuGM - Not to mention they entirely changed Star Wars history to get that articular character cast with a Black Man. Disney started it years ago when they rewrote the fact that storm troopers were no longer clones hence making it possible to have Black troopers. They actually made a big deal out of it and introduced it in their new Star Wars Revels cartoon series.

      I am betting you are right Lesbians will be next.

  6. For all the reasons delineated above, I came away from the movie deciding that it was both well-made, and vaguely disappointing. As you pointed out, there really wasn't anything new except a few of the faces. I turned off my brain for the most part, and just enjoyed the tale. But honestly, after having seen it, I can't tell you why I enjoyed it. That's never a good sign.

    1. RP - Visually it was stunning. I just could never shake the feeling it was all just playing and there was never any real sense of overall danger that must be fought against very carefully. No sense of sacrifice just attempts at melodrama was all I got from it.

      I am usually easy to please when it comes to sci-fi too. I never treated Star Wars to the same level I looked at Lord of the Rings changes but it was just too easy for me.

  7. I like the new movie as it felt like star wars, whereas the prequels were a big pile of sh£$e. It was great until they attacked that base and then felt like a remake. Hopefully they're try something new with the next one but like you said they don't like to take risks, nor do they need to when they make that much money off a movie!

    1. Kev - Well if you really look through the hype though did they really make as much as they could have? Sure the bug numbers look good but when you take in the costs and the devaluation of the dollar since the 1970's did they really win in the investment v. return category?

      I am not so sure they did if it weighed on a equal scale.

  8. Haven't been to a movie theater in over 25 yrs. I haven't seen all the other Star Wars movies or this one, but that isn't saying much as there are a ton of other movies I have not seen either :O).

    1. Texan - I am a big movie watcher although going to the theater these days is rare for me.

  9. hi PP,
    haven't seen it and didn't catch your inferences, but i do question why no one has the black girl with a white or black hero, or, more to real life, esp. after viet nam, why no orientals girls or leading men?

    1. deborah - LOL... Asian beauties with White Men is a complete no no. It will send Western Femi-nazis into epileptic fits of rage unless the Men are shown as jerks and the Asian Women as victims.

  10. Well, now you've got me interested in seeing the new Star Wars. Hadn't thought much of it but I think it's definitely on my maybe list.

    I have definitely seen a decline in Hollywood movies; the formulas are all so predictable. It appears no one over there knows how to write a good story. I've come to equate R ratings with poor writing and no plot; just add cursing, flesh, and gore, and no one will notice the difference. Or so they think. The late Francis Shaeffer did a series equating the arts as a reflection of world view, or rather, the decline in world view. The more bewildered and chaotic society becomes, so does art in all its forms.

    We've done better with the indie films. Our library usually carries a good selection and while they all aren't great, we've enjoyed some really good stories, good character development, and good entertainment.


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