Monday, November 24, 2014

Late Fall Work

This is what I love about Late Fall and Winter. See that tangled mess of wild Rosebush, small Trees and Cedars? Well most of the Summer you couldn't see it actually because of all the hay growing but it was even more of a tangled mess then. Now that we have had a few freezes under our belt it doesn't quite look so intimidating.

This mess in on an internal fence line between the pasture on the East and the Hay field on the West. It pretty much cuts the place in half and has been allowed to go wild for decades. Almost the entire length of this line is really just a massive hedge of Cedars and Wild Rose Bush but I want to put a gate through it at the back.

So I chose the weakest spot I could find.

Here were my first cuttings before I remembered to take a before picture. They were to the right of the picture you see at the top.

The fence line looking North....

The fence line looking South....

I had my trusty battery operated chainsaw along. I LOVE this thing. People still make fun of me when they see me with it but let me tell you I have found NOTHING that is better for cutting trees and heavy brush out of a fence line than this little saw. I can operate the thing one handed while holding brush away from wire and fence with the other. If I do catch some wire it is low powered enough that I am not in danger of cutting my own head or arm off and the wire doesn't ruin the saw or chain either.

Seriously NOTHING is better for fence clearing than this little battery operated saw. Especially now that I have a spare battery for twice the power time on target :)

Here's the same section cleared out, with two new metal fence posts in place and the new gate leaning against them to close the gap for now. Not that it matters as the useless old nag horses are allowed free range into the hay field during the Winter months but I also don't want the wire to sag either before I can put in some proper end posts for the gate. There really isn't too much to worry about though as that fence line is so over grown it has become a permanent land fixture and you can cut any given spot without any sag really showing.

Finally the real goal of this operation. This is the back side looking Southwest. Those Cedars make the perfect wind break and the land is relatively level there (although I will have to level it more). It stays pretty dry and get's good Eastern and Southern exposure.

That's right this is a new Bee Hive area I am opening up. It's about a quarter of a mile from the house, no access except through my driveway and perfect protection qualities. I will fence in the section you see mowed and start getting all the hive supports and such put in place a leveled tomorrow, weather permitting of course.

Had I attempted to do this project in say the middle of June it would have taken me twice as long and I would have been covered in ticks and chigger bites. This kind of work is what late Fall and Winter is for. Now all I need is a helper to run the post hole digger and I can put that gate in permanent like.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. A battery powered chain saw, well at least I have heard of a good use for one. I have heard of people cutting firewood with one but I can't see how it is possible. One handed work with one makes sense.

    1. Sf - The ability to grab a small branch or tree and bend it out with one hand while using this saw to cut through it with the other is priceless for cleaning brush away from fences. It also works well for sawing up that wrist sized stuff I like to use for kindling especially after I have pruned some trees and it also works well for pruning the small fruit trees.

      Outside of that ya it's pretty silly :)

  2. Some work is designed for the winter and autumn. I would have laughed at your saw as well but it sounds pretty good, beats me using a hand saw on Sunday which was a real pain. I need to fix my petrol one as I can't get it to start and I've got quite a bit of wood to cut up. I can't wait to get my place properly fenced, the eldest keeps nagging for a pig and goats, not sure if I'll get her involved with the butchery though!
    I've probably asked before but for gotten the answer but how many acres do you farm there?

    1. Kev - I have used that saw to go through some trees that were as large as four or five inches but the ability to bend a limb or trunk out and cut is priceless. That and being able to cut a small tree right at ground level too which is harder to do with a big saw.

      I think one reason I don't butcher my own animals to this day was because I had to do it so much as a kid. I hated butcher weekends... Hated them... I would rather pay a butcher these days than do it myself. I am sure that will change when I can't get the animal to the shop but until then I plan on enjoying my reprieve from having to butcher.

      We have 25 acres here and back up against my parents place that have another 350 or so. Depending on how well I am getting along with my Mom's husband I can use that land but as things stand now I don't count on it. I have some bee hives back there and do a little deer hunting there but that's about it.

  3. I use a battery powered reciprocating saw (sawzall). With cloves, sleeves, on it is pretty hard to cut a major body part of. Not as handy for tree limbs as what you have, but I bought it for electrical work (conduit, channel strut, etc.) using a fine tooth blade.

    1. Russ - I use a sawzall for a number of things around here. I find it's the best bet for cutting out boards from the barn side that are broken and cutting PTO shafts. It also works well for cutting up old metal tubed hay racks that won't come apart cause the bolts are stuck.

      I find em kinda hard to use one handed though.


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