Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Reading - On the Verge of the Mud Pit

It's been quite a while since we got any real rain or snow around here. We got a little sleet with that last arctic blast but not much, yet  as things are thawing out the ground is remaining pretty wet and the rush is on to get the big trunks and trees I have left down out in the woods before the rains start. In another few weeks I won't be able to get out for two months or more and then after that the underbrush will be so thick I would spend more time trying to walk through it than I would cutting any wood. The next few weeks is when I try and get as big a jump on next years firewood supply as possible. As usual I have a number of large trunks laying around that need to be split and a couple of good sized green trees that had to be cut for one reason or another that I can stack to cure this Summer.

There is just no telling exactly how much time I have either. It could start raining this week and not let up until May. It's happened.

I also need to get the garden tilled if it manages to dry out a bit more because as with the firewood hauling once it starts raining I won't be able to do anything with it until it stops.

The next few months are probably going to be complaining about the rain and stressing out over the ruts. I hate ruts they just make my head want to explode. I've got another load of gravel coming in this week and I am sure it will just disappear into the mud as well.

Another thing that is guaranteed to happen is the parents will absolutely NEED something done or some piece of heavy equipment that REQUIRES them to drive over some part of the place that is soaking wet thereby creating more ruts.

It never fails. Usually it has something to do with my mother's white elephant horse trailer too. That thing is always right in the way no matter what.

I foresee a lot more time devoted to bees than to land grooming or reclamation over the next several weeks. Less mud to worry about.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Mud is not that much of a problem here in Spring . The red clay soaks up the water, I guess.

    1. Harry - It's a real problem here especially when the top couple of inches are mud and it's still frozen under it. Any wheeled traffic tears it up bad.

  2. I got my boots stuck in the mud today, I now have really dirty socks. Have fun with your bees :)

    1. Kelly - I hate mud. It just makes everything look so nasty and unkempt. Always causes issues trying to figure out how to get around it and it swallows up my gravel .... big meanie face...

  3. Replies
    1. YA lol come Summer I will complain about the heat, bugs and no water....


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