
Thursday, October 12, 2023

When is A Strike not a Strike?


I admit I am not some experienced leader in labor disputes across the Nation. I probably have the slimmest resume ever as a Union boss but if I was a member of the UAW I would be demanding some answers myself.

For one thing maybe I am understanding things wrong but when you are striking doesn't that usually imply that the target of your strike should have less of whatever it is you supply them? I sure always thought it worked that way before now. All the strike announcement did for us was increase the number of vehicles delivered my a great margin including those models listed as being included in the strike, Especially Super Duty pick ups which you can see mentioned here this morning

"Surprise Move": UAW Hits Ford's Largest Plant In Strike 

Something is not adding up here and whenever I see something of this scale not adding up I generally look to Democrat crooks to be honest.

We are so jam packed with cars right now I am forced into over time just to find a place to park em while they await being sold. The transport drivers must be still hunting the lots of the so called on Strike vehicles just waiting for for a target to appear that they can load up and leave on my lot nightly.

As I seem to point out daily any more nothing makes any sense these days...

But then again BiteMe got 80 millions votes so it all fits together well,,

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



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