
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

What survives an Economic Collaps by about 5 seconds?

 The answer is woke Liberal Feminism and favoritism. This is nothing new the proclivity for Female voters towards Democrats has been well documented over the years and we are paying the price now in reduced productivity and reduction in liquidity in spades. How much do we waste each year to try and hide what is misused to make things appear the way it needs to for their agenda? It to the point now that young men can no longer compete on an even ground with all the economic insensitivity spread around by the Democrats.  What Men out of Women's sports?. That's easy remove all the government incentives for Women's sports they voted for themselves on the way.

Nothing creates a level playing field quicker than the removal of unjustified government benefits. Which women have been enjoying in spades for decades now. As we experience the loss of money so to we experience a loss of government funded unfairness. Will we have time for it to have a beneficial effect over all?

The Democrats have created a world where it is often times more beneficial to lie about one's gender or heritage now. How long does that survive an economic crash you recon?

Just a casual glance around is showing me a lot more backlash about things like this all over. How much time is left?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Women (or at least the vast majority) can not be allowed to lead. They think with their emotions, which sends common sense sailing out the window. You can prove them wrong 7 ways to Sunday and they will not yield. If Darwin and Murphy intervene and FORCE them to see your reason, they will hate you with the heat of 1000 suns. And they will want vengeance too… which is what feminism is all about. None of leftist theories are about fairness or equality. There is only vengeance now.

    1. I knew it was you even before I saw your name, Glen! I miss your blog!

      For the record, I agree with you 110%!!!

  2. Glen mentioned Women being led by emotion. He missed something. They also like to "spend the money twice." A woman will say "I want "this." You tell her "I'll get you this, but if I do, we can't afford "that." She'll agree. You'll buy "this." Two weeks later she'll still want "that." It NEVER.FAILS...

    1. Yeah it’s bizarre. You are 99.9999% correct Pete… and when those feather heads have a credit card? Oh boy… they will buy ‘that’… and that and that and that and that and two of that and so on. And then when the card maxes out… they’ll bitch about the unfairness of it!

      But on the other hand, some of the most practical, self disciplined people I know are women. Look at Vicki over at Mom’s Scribbles. NOTHING stops that woman. She sounds like my depression era Grandmother when she talks. The women at our church are hard but warm people too… my wife… I have been blessed by having a fair number of actual ‘strong women’ in my life. They’re hard to spot with all the garbage liberal females walking around…but they are there if you look for them…

  3. Not Glen although I would admit to such a knowledgeable moniker for sure!!!

    1. Yup it’s me, PP. I just shortened my moniker to save keystrokes. I pop up at my old favourite blogs to make sure that the old stubfarts like Pete and Cederq aren’t getting away with anything…

  4. Oh Filthie, you just aren't paying attention. I will never be redeemed.


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