
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Something Has Changed


This in not the earliest I have ever let the Goats out into the Garden but I am pretty sure it is the first time I have let em have free access to the garden while so much of it is still green and growing. The goats knew it was the right time of year but they still looked at me with guilty pleasure every time they attacked the remaining pole bean plants that were still green. They have never been allowed to get those before even though they have tried now for years. My poor garden was so wind damaged and over grown this year I just decided to let em get on with it and clear it out for Winter so I can start over again. I even got about another 2 gallons of ripe tomatoes right before as I got new bean right before harvesting enough beans to plant more next year. I also saved a Pepper plant to try growing inside over Winter too and Enough new Tobacco blooms for seeds.

I should have taken a video or pictures as the goats went crazy getting used to their favorite area once again. They love it out there.

Other than that this has been a very odd week. It started out as usual, we were hammered by customers and the damaged or lost loads of ordered vehicles came rolling in. By Tuesday that all changed to were I was able to not only get everything caught up, including Months of stuff I have just not been able to catch up yet, to where by today I have not seen a delivery since Monday and I have not gone that long without a delivery for years.

It was like the never ending torrent suddenly stopped this week. What actually has happened if anything actually did I don;t know. In fact I am easily find out tonight it was just a blessed burb and we could go back to getting slammed once again but it has certainly caught my attention. I haven't been able to properly used the reduced down time yet but if it holds I expect ab eventful weekend for once.

Maybe I can finally get the Gray Hen to go to bed for a change!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I felt bad about ending my garden too. Purple hull peas were still producing and okra was rocking and rolling. Pulled it up 2 weeks ago. Planted winter garden Saturday and it was sprouting by Monday.

    1. Cold Soldier - PP here That is amazing. I have tried a Winter garden before and learned I sucked at it so thats why I just let the goats have it now!!! Good tidings for your Garden this Winter!! Keep us informed !!!


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