
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Porch Tomato


A quick vid of my last porch Tomato which I am sure is not long for this world. Of course it got extra care being placed where it is and I have pulled many Tomatoes off it to snack on while feeding and filling water tanks. I was contemplating tying it up some more as the Fall winds have done some damage and already have almost killed it's twin to the left but I thought why bother and took a vid of it instead. I am sure the last blooms and green tomatoes will be gone by next week.

I tried sending my Federal Rep an email yesterday, like I have many times over the years. We have the same Alma Matter and a number of over lapping interests so I have many ways I could use to send him a message if I decided to. My email for yesterday was simple and to the point... Support Gaetz's move or I will remind everyone I can you didn't. Not that I thought he would care who sent it or anything I just wanted to say something but the funny thing was the email bounced and never did send from either the Federal or the State Links, and I have used both before... 

Convenient when that happens and I have seen it happen from Government links before.

Well beyond Republican vrs. Democrat I get the feeling so many average people are just convinced these days around here the elected elite are purposefully ignoring them. This is gonna turn ugly when someone with some guts figures it out I imagine. I still wonder who it is gonna be.

I was reading an article over at the Hedge this afternoon. Please stop Telling US Everything is Fine in the Economy.

Not that it had anything important worth a link but I was intrigued by the statement that so many were above worried about the problems most all others are.

I would say this has been going on much longer than anyone wants to admit. For the last 70 years or more the basis of all Democrat strategy has been to steal from one group to benefit another and gain more voters. Nothing new here but since day one the Democrats have never realized their very actions have hurt all groups more in the end. They have finally reached the end of the line and can no longer play that game. Even now the results of their latest attacks are hurting the Democrat base more than anyone else just to give the standard upfront favoritism to a few others.

By forcing Electric vehicles they hurt their union workers and the base brainless voters in towns from buying and then add on more food insecurity to boot during harvest time plus gas prices. The list is endless and Democrats have never been able to think through the consequences of their actions.They don't care about harvest time why should their college supporters?

I am beginning to think their standard operating system took em too far this time to straighten out just by stealing more but we will see I guess. They also have the World at large tired of their tricks now for a change. The Democrats have bitten off more then they can chew as we all knew they would.

I am just watching it unfold this time.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!




  1. PP, I too am troubled, although I cannot specifically tell you why. Things seem to be picking up speed as we head downhill.

    1. TB - I tried commenting on you block twice this week and was denied twice, They are all against me :)


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