
Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11, 2023 -- 964 Days Since United States Collapse Began


One thing has been clear to me since at least the 1990's A Constitutional Republic is completely impossible when we allow Democrats into office. Shame it has taken the rest of America so long to figure that out, but I guess they just kept bringing more voters in until it didn't matter anyway with the lies the Democrats place in the way to hide their crimes that is.

Today though affirmed my belief that law abiding American's still rule this land. Not only did the New Mexico Militia turn out en-mass to protest the Soros financed lackey that was installed as Governor down there and decided to abolishes the Constitution on her own whim. The OBiteme move to sell off all American strategic oil a few months ago is also taking a big bite with recent oil inflation, helped along with Democrat money printing killing us all so they can finance their Democrat favorites.

I heard a great quote about that earlier today that mentioned the standard Democrat ploy of covering their crimes with more lies and that was " Putin hasn't put even one dime into the US Economy so they can't blame him for Inflation".

Nike is threatening to pull out of Settle a think unless they get exactly what they demand from the local PD and a new poll is released about the Reparations Bid in Kalifornia

I really am not even scratching the surface here. The Democrats are taking hits everywhere I turn today it seems. 

I knew these Femocrat one world types were going to push things too far and reap the whirl wind and they are not disappointing in their over reach and stupidly I have to admit that....

Keep Prepping Everyone those Dems are just getting started I imagine!!!


  1. PP, I wonder if we are reaching the point where the law of consequences are finally, visibly starting to manifest themselves. The distribution of the Illegal Immigration issue has done wonders to open the eyes to people who were never impacted by it before the costs and inconveniences. In California, the reality of given more money out in a state that is expensive to live in (and where that money will come from) maybe be starting to turn some heads as well.

    It is fine when it is a theoretical construct; it is much more difficult when it impacts you.

    1. TB - Sometimes I wonder if the new type of tyrants have just run out of victims and are now forced to attack their own to find something to do. They have now wen past peak victim or be bored.

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