
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A Perfect Day For PITA Computer Isues


I went back to try figuring out my Go Pro usage again and I cannot even figure out how to upload videos any longer. It just seems like everything changes on computers these days from one week to the next.

I have fought with this thing all evening and I am done. It's taken me three days to get my old 1980;s vintage Panasonic Audio timer to work with a radio and I have had that sine 1983. In fact it was the first thing I ever bougt at a PX in Germany to get me up in the mornings. I still have it although the lettering on the front is long worn off but it works and a I know the buttons on the front by heart. 

The older I get the more I dislike new technoloy especially new software..


I will get this figured out even if I have to wait till tomoorw when they change it once again.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Have to laugh about your dislike of software updates - I resemble that remark.

    A long-term girlfriend from decades past was a graphic designer. After watching her, I know that their "work" is mostly glorified colouring-in. Yes, I know, SOME graphic design is truly elegant, stunning and brilliant, but 99.1% of their work is just pure skarn. (Oh _man_ do they hate to be told graphic design is adult colouring-in)

    It must be something about getting older. I used to truly love new tech as a kid, and spent many blissful hours figuring out how it worked. Now in my 50's, most "updates" drive me nuts, because they just let the graphic designers move all the settings and tools I use - so it looks prettier in their artsy minds. Never mind it works exactly the same, it now has a dark ribbon, light buttons that are slightly translucent with radiused edges, and everything has moved to make it look "modern".

    Le sigh.


    1. Anon - I had to chuckle thank you for that!!! I find what pisses me off about new software is not that they chance it but they seem to be going at it from a totally alien angle that makes no sense to me anymore. I don't remember that when I was younger.


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