
Friday, August 18, 2023

Sweet Summer Children


What a week. The last month or so has been really pretty light to where I been looking for stuff to do mostly until the almost tornado like winds came though and the grass began growing like a mutant jungle again which has put me way behind. But on top of all that looks like the real world has also began rearing it's ugly head to everyone else as well recently.

This week alone one morning it took me almost two full hours to travel 15 miles into work, followed the next day by a 30 minute jam in the same spot to travel less than three miles. I know both incidences were caused by wrecks. I never saw the first one but witnessed the remains as they cleaned up the second one which resulted in a new Dodge pickup complete with out of State Plates now missing an intact front end. 

Now what the actual particulars were I don't know but in this solid local morning traffic on new roads now filled to busting for the first time ever with new immigrants going somewhere I got a pretty good idea I imagine what happened. Perhaps I am wrong.

I also witnessed an out right fight between two potential used car buyers in the parking lot right in front of me while I transferring numbers for a new delivery the other day. One guy was looking at a recently purchased (by our dealership) Dodge Charger type vehicle when another customer came up and started looking at the same car. I guess the original guy took exception to that and decided to protect his hoped fir new purchase. I am not sure how that all shook out but I wasn't staying around to find out once I saw actual sales employees come running.

Also had another employee make a deal to buy a newly purchased (from auction) used truck we got in and he took it home over night. The next morning when he came to work some salesman went to the back and took the extra keys and sold that truck out from under the employee before he even went to his first break of the morning. I can still hear the screaming argument in my head.

I know better than to get in to that type of coworker argument but on a whim I went and looked at the sales record for the salesman in question for this  month to date and I have an idea why he disregarded all sense of whatever to make that sale right now.

To top it all off the coworker I mention a few days ago that was rearing to buy a new Mustang came into my office showing me where he had just purchased a 2016 GT. He was beaming with delight telling me how he now owned three Mustangs and was going to talk his girlfriend into getting one too. Not even an hour later Mr. Mustang again showed up with a piece of paper complaining about the price he was given for his new coverage. 30 minutes after that he came back complaining how he was going to have to sell his other two Mustangs to pay the new full coverage cost as they would not let him get rid of his old account and down grade the new one to liability on a car with that much left on the loan.

My though was "hasn't it always been that way?"

I then asked how old he was and he told me 21. I am like "dude I was probably 40 years old before I even heard of anyone actually owning a GT until they were 50+ years old themselves back in my day. They couldn't afford it otherwise."

Not the answer he wanted to hear. 

Wait until these people start seeing accounts closed after being 5 minutes late on a payment plus fines added or outright repossessions.

All I can say is welcome to real world most of these people have on idea how it can get.

I don't think these people even know what it was like to live within one's means with no credit or in such a cut throat environment.


I still have probably 50 plus new vehicles waiting for my personal touch as Ford seems once again to be in a hurry to deliver everything they can find this month. So I know they they are going to be bringing me in a delivery almost every half hour tomorrow still so I may not be posting again until Sunday. I am so far behind.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. When I was a kid starting out I had my car strung out on preauthorized debits every month. I dunno how I managed it (I think something cratered or blew up)… but I had insufficient funds to cover the payment one month.
    I borrowed from the wife, and called the finance company to beg them to please take my money!!! I had visions of getting pounded by an angry repo man with tow truck. Punctuality was a big thing for me at that time of life too. I still struggled with it from time to time.

    But the guy from GMAC was as cool as a cucumber. “Calm down, Mr. Filthie! Happens to us all! I’ll just push a few buttons here…and you can just make a double payment next time!”

    It was the only time in my life I missed a payment. It still hacks me right off, and it’s probably still a stain on my credit history. And I still have the odd nightmare that I’ve done it again! I wake up and then breathe normally…God willing, I will never be in debt again.

    1. Filthie - I am imagining when you say you were a kid I am thinking like the late 70's or early 80?. Seems to me I remember the later in the 80's it got in the US the more the did everything they could to raise your rates involuntarily whenever possible. I seem to recall changing my 30 day automatic payments back to on demand payments done by hand myself because they liked to miss a day going to automatic every 31 days and then charging me accordingly because they could until I just did it myself more than once. The financial people were very sneaky back then if I remember right.


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