
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday Reading - Hiding Out From The Heat Again


As I am sure you have read me saying plenty of times recently, I am overwhelmed with things I should be doing but since today seems to once again be my only day off this week and the red part of my thermometer had already climbed well into the 80's by breakfast this morning I am just hiding out with my lug of a dog in the AC.

I moved to a spot I can check on the old retired Sheep and Goats every few minutes and keep an eye out on the last few Hens and make sure everyone is alive but so far no animals has left the shade at all. The poor lug dog cannot even stay in the shade very long so he is learning to curb his enthusiasm and nap on his bed inside next to me.

The cattle partner did come back to bale some spots that were missed so he may get a few more round bales yet and I took the lug down with me to watch but it didn't take long for the now 102 degree Sun to soak through his Black coat and remind him why he liked hanging out with me inside all day.

I actually tried cutting up one of the downed trees more this morning some until I finally gave up myself.  Ain't like my old butt or the trees are going anywhere in this heat anyway no matter how lazy and guilty it makes me feel. Besides I have already put in more than my share of over time this week just keeping the left over new vehicle flood from this week from getting too far out of control. 

Seems to be a new normal for me for the last couple of Months now. I will spend a week or so with low deliveries and looking for stuff to do only to suddenly have 3 or more deliveries dropped off in the middle of the night from one or more of the Mexican factories with screwed up paperwork and so loaded on the trailer they have no room left filling up every open nook and cranny they can find on my lots.

It takes me an entire morning just to figure out where they are all at now before I can begin putting the list together or checking them for damage. 

Still things are going pretty well around here so I can't complain. The chicken killer (whatever it was) won't come up near the house area and the hens (now roosterless) don't really leave the direct area on their own either. I can see them about anytime I look out. They have also become mush more friendly towards Humans in general and if they hear me go out on the porch they come running to hangout. Even though the heat has killed off pretty much all of the Cucumbers and Watermelon plus Pumpkins I am now getting ripe Tomatoes and the Corn seems to drying well.

One oddity however is although I planted almost all deep purple and totally white Tomatoes they are all coming in Red or a few with darker shoulders. My guess is it is some sort of weirdness from the irregular heat that killed certain pollination off or a volunteer somewhere I didn't get rid of. They haven't poisoned any of my unsuspecting test subjects yet so there is that.

The other issue is we entered a water brown out situation the other day. I really don't know what the legal term would be but I have noticed since last Summer, with all these new settlers moving nearby we will have a few days (or most of late Summer this time) where the local water pressure falls off so far I can only water by hand using saved water sources from my own tanks. I guess some sort of water drip system I supply and use is in order now so I no longer have to haul it by hand.

As if homesteading and long term rural survival living while maintaining a real job hasn't been hard enough for years now I have to add on living with an artificial stimulus created  economy as well to the mix.

Watch the Democrats will start adding cow farts to my bill next year. 


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



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