Monday, July 10, 2023



This has been undoubtedly the worst hay harvest I can remember. Maybe 2013 was lower but this year really sucked and netted I would estimate about half the yield as usual.

Not that it effects me as I am down too 10 sheep and wouldn't surprise me to be down to 8 by Mid-Winter  at this point and those two don't even try to eat hay anyway. I still have around 30 bales stored not counting 5 more bales already earmarked for compost besides. I am not really planning on a survival garden increase for sure yet either. The real losers here are going to be the farmers that are attempting to fill the gap left from the Western producers sell offs over the the last couple of years. They are going to need more fodder to keep those numbers up.

To be honest I probably have enough left in the uncut fields to keep my few remaining sheep alive just by foraging alone if it came to that. And lets be really honest here the sheep I have left are not producers anyway just pets.

If if starts actually raining we may get a second cutting which would help so I am keeping my fingers crossed for my neighbors and beef lovers all over North America.

I actually came across a housing Vblogger the other day that kinda impressed me with his insight when talking about older home owners. This guy immediately zeroed in in the fact that like me many retired or older soon to retire home owners had figured their financial needs under Trump prices and are facing a panic now that they are seeing just what these Femocrats can do to ruin lives.

Personally I don't think anyone realizes how bad it can get after this BUT he did point out some things I should have known myself.

Also why I never counted any type of Social Security or that in my figures many did. While a number of my investment have turned down I have managed to move some around but what I should have known is of that approx. 30 Million or so older home owners so very many of us actually own more than 1 home. Unlike my wife and I however there are many that own three or more and not nearby either that are soon to face the real sticker shock of higher property tax rates and unlike me most are not counting on working for years yet like I am right now anyway.

Bottom line older home owners are facing a real possible disaster going forward and most don't see it yet. Another stolen election or two and it's game over.

Any rate this guy did impress me so I linked to his video if you are interested.

Keep in mind, unlike I did that, DIY home repairs become much harder with age too. Especially anything involving ladders :)

The more self sufficient you can be going forward until sanity returns to America the better. IMO.

One thing this guy mentioned was the sheer number of homes that maybe hitting the market soon as more and more older owners figure out the danger. I can attest I am one of them now as I have recently contacted a seller to unload my own I don't need too. 

I believe this guy is right we are going to see much more of that going forward as these old guys finally figure out it isn't going to make young girls look at them just because some wrinkled old guy still has a beach house somewhere.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Keep in mind, unlike I did that, DIY home repairs become much harder with age too. Especially anything involving ladders."

    This is DEFINITELY something I didn't see coming, at least not as quickly as it did! We live day-to-day, taking care of what needs to be done. The water pump on the Jeep. Trenching in some new irrigation because tree roots broke the existing pipe. Pruning and trimming the various trees and hedges on the property. Hell; REPLACING a FAUCET!!! So I'm trimming the monster hedgerow between my property and the road a few weeks back. I don't know what I did. I used the same machine to do the same work as I've been doing on those cursed hedges for the past nine years. The next day there's so much pain in my elbow I can't even unscrew the nozzle from the garden hose, let alone fix the Jeep, dig, or change the kitchen faucet. Will this heal? Who knows? Thing is though, sooner or later SOMETHING like this will happen and leave you dependent on outside help for the rest of your life. Never in my LIFE did I ever think I wouldn't be able to twirl a wrench at 62 years old!!! This is the reality of things though...

    The guy in the video mentioned a salient factor; "maintaining their current lifestyle." I was a career military man, so I bought my house late in life. That being said, my house is my ONLY debt, and I've been adding an additional principal paydown every month since I bought the place. I LIVE WITHIN MY MEANS. What this means is that the Biden/Femocrat Reich has created an ever-lengthening list of "I can no longer afford to do/buy that." The reality of our country's current condition is that if you are trying to "maintain your current lifestyle," you either can afford it or you're running up debt. I can't afford it and WON'T run up debt, so the lifestyle has to change... Thanks, Traitor Joe!!!

    I went to an estate sale just down the road a few weeks back. The property owner died... falling off a 6ft ladder... 'Broke his neck... Roughly my age, too..

    1. Pete - PP here gettingmy name on this new computer seems more than google can handle, but I am right there with ya. I paid this place off for my mom and never understood what kinda of mess she made of the place. I never realized thing would catch up to me so bad until this Winter of course as help was hard to find and costs 4+ times as much when ya can find em. figure in Femocrat taxes in the future is nigh on impossible too. There is no end to their greed and corruption.

    2. I understand 100% Pete my friend. When will it end?


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