Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sunday Reading - Back to Mowing


I am pretty sure the drought is officially over for a while at least. My gauge had us at over an inch over night and my garden water tank has over flowed once again. As I went out to check for wind damage the garden spot was full of all the usual varmints including the local squirrel and a bunny hopping around. Bees now hitting all the Cucumber and Melon blooms, a couple of loose Tomato vines here and there but generally in we were in good shape. Then it started to rain on me some more.

If any of you noticed me inserting little videos here and there it is just me finally trying to figure em out. I been wanting to start some video posting but have no clue how to do it or where to start, so it is starting off slow. Any advice is appreciated!!!

Mommy Goat Approves!!

When I went back out it was obvious the previously dead grass has recovered and that it is going to demand mowing immediately along with some weeds poking out of the wet and hammered down mulch layer. This going to take some time to recover from especially since the cable broke on my mower almost on the first pass. I tried to get it put back on but failed so looks like I am going to have to bring the backup mower back out. That always takes me longer than the old standby favorite.

I have found a forming group of discontents within Missouri just like me complaining loudly of the "new" and unjust property taxes and there is even a bill in the house right now to freeze propery tax increases at age 65 for land owners. I wonder if that is 65 for one or both owners?

Truth is I am currently at the most exposed level I have ever been in as far as property ownership and my future go. My farm is Totally paid off which means easy picking for an out of control government as I have no larger entity that need to protect their own interest to keep em at bay. That happened to some lady up in Michigan I think who owed like 15K on her tax bill. The government sold her place for 45K then kicked her out and kept the bonus for themselves, And gave that 45K sales to a "friend" of course so she prolly lost out on twice that.

While we have plenty of money and have never filed for anything including never filed for Social Security. If the stock market crashes all our bills combined would slowly begin to consume a small bit of our saved money. Like just a few dollars a month which may easily last out our lives but consider not 5 years ago we had enough to last over 100 years easily (by Trump ere prices) with no inputs considered. Let this massive Government created inflation and out of control property taxes continue and who knows when or if things could become dire for us.

I know one thing though with all this free money these democrats been passing around I won't be walking away from my land voluntarily no matter what they say I owe em. This includes trying to tell me I am now too young to retire cause believe me I see it differently if they are going to start expecting me to pay for their mistakes. Then I plan on usinf everything I have acquired over my life to stay as long as possible.

I been totally out of debt since the 1990's and happy just getting by on what I was able to make on my own and enjoying my land and life and I am too old to start busting my ass all over again for their new criminality and wishing they had more money to give away to others. 

What these out of control criminals are going to try between now and then have no limit. They are going to do anything to keep their livelihood going, expect it. 

Anyway going to an interesting next few years I guess.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. 'they' told you that you would own nothing, so why are you surprised?
    I hope the I'll gotten gains are made immortal ,and go to hell with the thieves where they will add everlasting fuel to the fire.

    1. They are really getting bold now... PP here.


  2. Sunday reading on "Back to Mowing" resonates with the rhythm of rural life. Explore To Games It celebrates the return to the fields, capturing the essence of hard work and dedication.


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