Thursday, July 13, 2023

I almost Started a Workers Revolt.


Getting the daily situational stuff out of the way it continues to be Hot here. We actually got a heavy rainstorm through last night and over a half inch of rain to water the garden and once again replenish the storage tank some but still almost zero blooms are making it to fruition.  I keep hearing from several weather bloggers that we are going to get an arctic Summer blast but I have yet to see one around here. 

Economically there seems to be total confusion. The government friendly sources claim inflation is down and so is initial unemployment numbers. Although to make those numbers pan out like that they have to include a lot of "Seasonally Adjusted"  otherwise the numbers are up. Used vehicle prices appear to be dropping some but let me tell you the numbers of "luxury" car sales are not. In fact I would say the higher end of vehicles delivered are beating out lower end models by at least 10 to 1 across the board for me and I have reports of delivery drivers freaking out over the sheer numbers of Dodge and GM trucks (and Ford too) clogging up the holding lots and rail yards across the country. All of them without gas in their tanks I bet :)

Lowes has seasonally adjusted their expected year over year sales  and issued a warning about losses in the DYI home improvement sectors and I saw several headlines about crashing home sales as usual. 

As I was checking in a 100,000K + truck this morning I happened to here what had been supposedly claimed for income to buy this said vehicle and almost started a riot among some of the older mechanics I work with. It was claimed the person applying for the loan made over 12K a month. Not the first time I have seen that but I made the mistake of mentioning it in front of a couple of master Mechanics with a list of certifications longer than my arm. 

I noticed years ago that every purchaser of a high end vehicle around here either had a direct money spigot job into education or some Democrat controlled arm of the government like Education and the news set this old 30 year transmission veteran off who admitted than his daughter started off her career as a government employee fresh out of high school already making more than he did after 20 years.

I admit I know where he is coming from. I have went for years confident I was making a respectable wage around here only to now find out at 60 I am far behind. It seems like over the last few years especially government and other wages of the Favored Democrat voters are getting massive pay increases while the rest of us are forced to just pay the increased bills at yesterday's savings rates. I am a little too old to start on a new career or rule change at this point. The disparity in wages within this county are going to need to be addressed or real problems will soon appear I think.

I can't think of anyone better right now than a Trump return at this point. The corruption and favoritism/Cronyism has gotten so out of control. Especially in Government. And I at least saw a lot of that fall during his Presidency, especially in the Public sector.

As usual I guess I will wait for the rest of the world to catch up and see through the lies. I suspect it is going to take more pain yet for some to figure out the way it is looking these days.


Keep Prepping Everyone.. We are going to be using our preps before long I imagine..




  1. Yeah; those who HAVE money have PLENTY of money. It's those folks sitting on piles of cash claiming that we'll "own nothing and be happy." Funny how that goes... So much money is being sucked up from the likes of us that it CAN'T be long until the money pump starts cavitating. It's gotta happen sometime...

    Out here in the West where people look at the cost of a house and say "Who the HELL can afford that? the house prices just keep going up. Mine's picked up $9K in "value" in the last MONTH. That being said, no one's BUYING these houses. This completely defies logic! The houses that DO sell are bought by in-VES-tors who immediately put the places up for rent. Entire sections of new developments are going straight to the rental market. This never ends well, as when the neighborhood is majority renter, it usually goes to hell. More ghettos, anyone?

    ...At some point the bottom's gotta drop out. When it does, you're either prepared or screwed...

    1. Pete - I am reading what you describe in many places. At this point my die is cast I have ta wait and see which depending how it goes will decide my ultimate fate I think!!! I will either make it or make the news one way or another!!!

  2. Keep praying--Himself is truly our only hope

  3. I work in grounds at a University and I am a farmer. One of my student helpers also worked in accounting at the University. She looked up salaries. The pay disparity between the facilities department and the administrative department was pretty amazing. The lowest paid people in administration made more than supervisors in Facilities. The leadership were being handsomely paid to run the college into the ground. The same can be said for those in gov whose job it is to regulate me out of business. Those who work support a whole parasite class who do their best to suck us dry.


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