Monday, July 24, 2023

Ding Dong the Witch is Gone!!!


Well maybe not gone yet but the word I am hearing from several sources is that the safety blanket that protected, what many have come to believe is the single evilest female to ever be elevated to a position of movie power, is over in 2024.

Not only did this vile person personally destroy at least three much loved childhood stories for countless thousands. but cackled merrily as she did it and then did everything she could to promote other feminine destroyers to continue doing the same for the future as directors. The more inept those directors and writers were the better.

She is the epitome of exactly how these Feminist really want to deal out their version of equality which includes attacking any and everything male they can find and degrading it as much as possible. That is after they have squeezed all the money they can get out of em too.

I was what 11 years old when "A New Hope" came out? At almost 60 now I don't even care anymore to remember how magical it was back then. The entire franchise is now dead to me. I don't even keep up on it anymore. I would rather the whole thing be scrapped than give an evil  monster such as her even a moment of enjoyment in her special sickness. Rumor has it that her contract ends and will not be renewed in 2024.

I may renew my Disney subscription then... Maybe. If I actually have grandkids by then.


I really celebrate this news. Not so I can witness a rebirth of the stories or franchise,I am way past that at my age, but just to know that other fans of the franchise finally may get to experience it, and that they made a difference in showing the enablers of this madness that it will cost em to do so.

At the very least this failure of Kathleen Kennedy and her woke, Liberal messaging and activism is a moral victory for all that opposes it.

Only about a dozen or so similar creatures left out there to deal with now!!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well it's our fault, PP. We are the ones that allowed women into positions of power, and stood by while they ran amok. Women are fascists and socialists by nature, and their emotions forbid critical thinking.

    I am convinced that this nonsense will continue right up until they pull the roof in on us.


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