Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A 4th of July to Celebrate!!!!


I will get the bad news out of the way first. I have finally pulled up roots and ended my Dragon Egg Cucumber experiment. As I was just walking close to the garden the other day I discovered what you see above, a normal Crimson Clover plant with Squash Bug eggs on it. This was a good few feet from the garden mulch edge and across a fence from it as well.

I have never seen squash bugs so bad that they begin invading other plants outside the garden before, except once and that was a heavy drought year. After discovering that my fourth Dragon Egg plant has been totally sucked dry I pulled em all root and stem and they were literally crawling with the evil things. So I have a new rule. Never plant those cucumbers again. Ever. Not even the goats liked that fruit either. I hope I didn't get even more damage than what I have found, only time will tell now.

Next year I am contemplating a complete ban on all cucubits except in a space well away from everything else.

On the celebration front I see where the Mo/Lu lawsuit v. the BiteMe and femocrat propagation arm and Government agency law suit won it's first round. I am sure the Femocrats will ignore it of course but they are losing such legal battles left and right anymore. Eventually a reckoning will come due to their lawlessness. 

The Gateway Pundit lead by Jim Hoff were a major mover in this law suit I believe and he deserves a big congratulations.  I remember when GWP was a newish smaller blog back 20 years ago when we were skirmishing with Obummer's ACORN army all around Missouri. I met him briefly although I doubt he remembers but I am thrilled he is doing such a good job and so important in the fight!!! 

I see where Iran openly attacked two oil freighters today and were driven off by the US navy. Good Job sailors but think on why almost every country in the world is now eager to attack the US empire of Feminst Wokesters? Something is not as it seems.

I finally got all my trees trimmed and the now lose limbs fed to the sheep and goats so I am ready to catch all the mowing back up. Too bad the heat is back.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



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