
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

New Spring Indicator


Over the years I have had plenty of visual Spring Indicators. Published pictures for most of them on this blog too back when I was more picture oriented. By far my favorites were the blooms that clue us in that Spring has arrived like the Eastern Redbuds, Bradford Pears, Wild Cherry and the Black Locust Strings hanging down. I think the Locust were always the Bees Favorite as well but the RedBuds were a real hit too. The Ultimate Bee favorite had to be the Boxelder in my opinion even though they have small green flowers that most people don't even notice the trees often times look as if they have swarms in em during early Spring warm days they are so full of bees

This year I have a new sign of Spring though. It''s called the return of the unwanted city immigrants and their side by side fleet. Actually locust swarm would probably be more accurate. 

I started getting in my now typical rush of new vehicles last Thursday. The schedule which vehicles are delivered on has followed some type of pattern that constantly changes every few weeks or couple of Months during the year. Right now it has been almost the same for over a month with constant deliveries starting Thursdays and arriving every few hours until Saturday with me spending Monday and Tuesdays trying to get em all finished to get Wednesdays off before starting again on Thursday.  It built up the last few weeks to where I am not getting Wednesdays off much either due mostly too mass confusion. I will get 3 deliveries within minutes of each other and each load will then have 1 specific vehicle that has to be finished immediately but I have to keep everything in order and turn em in by load not individually. 

It's kinda like triage for new cars I guess. All fine and well and good except the order changes as new loads come in etc. etc. you get the idea. Most everything I am getting now is back ordered fleet sales, big or small companies but still fleet stuff so it is not as time sensitive so a bit easier to keep straight but invariably they throw one of those made in Mexico mini-trucks that stole a horse name from the 70's in that the customer wants NOW. Until they decline it and it goes to inventory after I hurried along the whole process anyway. The whole thing comes to a problem though because the transport process is so screwed that I get some private hauler who comes by and drops a vehicle off in the customer parking area and a sheet of paper identifying the vehicle by an entirely wrong VIN number. After checking the actual VIN on the vehicle and finding out is not yet in our inventory nor listed with our ordered VINs through another software and delving deeper I find out it is actually one of ours just about the time the techs are ready to call it a night but the saleman is screaming the customer wants it immediately.

Usually when that happens I input and sticker it and then assign it to either a tech who wants over time or one I know they are too afraid to lean on and they wait until the next day for delivery.

Then today I get everything caught up by 10 am and I can go home and finally start getting my mowing situation under control. The rains stopped, the wind had died down to below 20 MPH and it was dry enough to do something. I decide to stop on my way home and grab a quick bite to eat and I run into the locust plague of migrant construction workers who managed to deforest everything edible for 10 miles around the Small-Hold. 

I guess there is still a good amount of home building going on in the area as they all decided to go to lunch together along with the new immigrants that moved in from out of state and  clean the entire area out of everything before the ones who have jobs start coming home. 

Sigh I was beginning to hope they had all moved back to where they came from during the Winter. NO luck there. I did get my mower running though and nothing scheduled to come in tonight yet so I might get some mowing done tomorrow. The last remaining corn field across from me is purple now as the Dead Nettle blooms, another beautiful sign of Spring so there is that anyway.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. Your description of your work day kinda reminds me of when I used to work in a hospital. Sometimes, to get things done, you have to know how to work the system. You have to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses, and how to work around them if need be.

    1. Leigh - I keep thinking this flood has to come to an end soon but it just keeps growing. I have never seen these exact conditions so I have nothing to really compare it too either. All I know is Spring is the worst possible time for it to happen to me lol.


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