
Monday, April 3, 2023

How it's Gonna Play Out - About RINO's and Turn Coats Going Forward.


I am still just amazed at the amount of content creators and talking heads finally outwardly admitting the truth this last week or so. I even saw the first official Western admission of Mexico applying to the BRICS recently just today actually even though I mentioned the world news rumors about it here weeks ago, I am sure I was way behind on hearing about it myself. I believe things are getting so bad at the top levels now that the corrupt politicians and their under handed business/financial allies along with their world wide puppet Politicians actually are thinking it is all out of the bag now I believe. I don't think it is really for the vast majority of the sheeple but the ones at the top at least seem to know they cannot hide it any longer.

The Corrupt Democrats and their lackey double agents can no longer even afford themselves let alone everyone else under their bought and paid for groups. The vote buying and money laundering while paying off perverts, special sexual interest groups and selfish crooks is coming to an end. Many of the old already bought and paid for traitors are taking their final payouts and disappearing but this is a far cry from the end. All the government mandated payouts for under privileged groups and publicly paid for charity in the forms of affirmative action  and other community pay outs are going to be used to continue to suck whats left dry.

Just as I predicted we are not going to see an end to the Ukrainian conflict until the US and the West just admit it is over and pull out. Russia has been using the Ukraine conflict as an anchor to drag the Western Military and national funds down since day 1. The only danger Western Europeans and US citizens have from Russia or China going forward is whatever our own government's force. It has been obvious at least to me the Ukraine is simply a holding action to keep the Donbas region and bleed the West.

Any conflict with China will end up exactly the same. As for the rest of the BRIC nations they have already sent all their unwanted to the The West and they don't want em coming back so I doubt we will see any violence from those countries unless it is directly from all the military age men they have already stationed here revolting to capture key territory going forward.

All privately held assets will be devalued and liquid assets will be debased, devalued and just flat out confiscated. Probably for the new digital money we will be issued at pennies on the dollar in the near future. At the same time there will be massive bailouts for some higher priced items like new vehicles and perhaps approved housing in approved areas and approved sizes. Bonuses given if you come from a traditionally under served ethnic group of course. Another words you will pretty much need to produce what you need for yourself or pay whatever price the establishment demands.

Mandatory turn ins and confiscations for precious metals and land will come alone eventually probably right after mass gun confiscations. These of course will take time and be more difficult than we might think right now as the economic advantages the crooks have been using as a weapon for 50 years to force their will continues to dry up.

The real dangers are going to be in the form of so called "conservative RINO" types that attempt to preach various schemes and proclaim we all need to work together or some such trash. Presumably to keep wealth from disappearing, values from depreciating etc. Don't believe them the only reason any politician would attempt to keep these wealth theft  schemes going is to keep them going for themselves. This entire system of looting the common people has to end. Period. or it just start all over again.

Nothing short of a full return to Constitutional Law and values along with total equality for everyone. NO government sponsored favorites. NO bailouts, no reparations, no Affirmative Action. All of it must fall apart and end.

I know I won't see the end of this but I plan on surviving into it as along as I can. America will pull itself back up but not until it totally returns to Self Sufficient God Fearing people like it was before. 

Like I said there will be many schemes and more unconstitutional mandates going forward but the killing blow has been dealt. We just need to survive the in coming death throes for a bit longer. IT will get easier as it goes forward though.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. not gonna happen. until the common man everyday joe has nothin left to lose will anything at all happen to these skunks. but one day, soon, the music will stop and joe will be pissed. no arrests, just ropes. no disappearances, left to warn all that come after. like the saying, slowly at first, then all of a sudden. they'll be totally shocked like marie antoinette. i doubt i live to see it.

  2. If recent history is worth anything once the Song of the Land is "MOMMY I'm HUNGRY" then things will get frisky. Arab spring and about a half dozen other such situations come to mind.

    HOWEVER, with enough Media Propaganda the Powers that BE can divert the BLAME to those GREEDY Grocery Stores, Farmers and BEST of All those Selfish Horders, after that runs its course then they sacrifice a few disposable Politicians to the angry mobs.

    If that fails, they run to their Jets and fly off with everything not nailed down in their suitcases to a New Haven. Leaving us with the rioting and smoking messes.

    Going to get ugly, as in Ethnic Cleansing UGLY. Already too many posters talking about your "skin suit" is your uniform when it gets frisky.

    Stay Grey, protect your family and trusted friends.

  3. wish you had a forward button at the bottom

  4. "It's gonna play out" reflects the uncertain future of Republican In Name Only (RINO) politicians. Explore To Games Their alignment with party values is under scrutiny.


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