
Friday, April 28, 2023

Life Is Good while Waiting on the BAilouts To Begin


Well the end of the Month chaos did not disappoint today. I found six undocumented immigrant vehicles just while taking a leisurely walk around my lots this morning. Actually one of my helper guys saw one early this morning and tipped me off to it before I started. He had seen it hiding behind a sign when he drove in this morning. Now I have no clue who brought these vehicles as they showed up in the dark of night without an email confirmation but interestingly enough I also mysteriously found the missing hard keys from the sold Edge that were missing from my Monday delivery in a drop box that also contained two full sets of keys that just happened to fit a brand new f-550 and f-250 that appeared this mornings delivery. Coincidence?

So I think I have a pretty good idea where these new ones came from this morning even with no paper work or a forewarning.  Just a guess though. Whatever the truth the general manager was ecstatic since the hard keys for the Edge had been backordered and until I went and matched em up they were not going to get this sale closed by the end of the month. I had a feeling where they belonged anyway and they were obviously an Edge number. Now they will be able to deliver it and the salesman who is a really great guy will get his bonus too so he was super happy and gets to pay for his house this month.

Since I have no documentation to go with these vehicles and it was a very pleasant day I just took the remaining keys and finished up the delivery paperwork one at a time, which takes longer overall but is much more pleasant than banging away at a whole group at once and juggling manuals and such. I really don't know if this was one order or several as the vehicles were not parked near each other in my lots which was another reason I just did em one at a time to save the confusion.

I had a couple of different topics I was thinking about today but have broke em up. My reader views have been way up this week now that I have more local observations to write about but my comments have fallen off to pretty much nothing since Sunday. Not sure what is going on although I have seen complaints about Blogging censorship all over this week and a few that I follow have just disappeared altogether as well but I decided to go with the vehicle delivery/sales topic as those topics do get a lot of reading hits and that is my only reason for writing this blog anymore is just to let the world know how my specific location is doing during this latest down turn.

I also had a conversation with a local clerk this afternoon who confirmed that the most obvious daytime visitor demographic at the local businesses has switched from construction worker type guys to just an unbelievable number of older females. I say older but from my point of view I bet most of em are slightly younger than I am, but they are EVERYWHERE.Where all these slightly above middle aged women have come from I cannot tell you but they have taken over the area during week days from about 10AM until early afternoon. The only theory I can currently come up with is a large number of them have moved into the newly constructed homes of the area and they get out and just leave their retired husbands at home. Ether that or we got a huge influx of retired middle aged women who also wanted to move out a bit away from the more crowded cities and brought a friend with em. 

By and large I will admit the over population of middle aged Women is much easier to deal with than any other group has been so far, so I am not complaining. Better than a horde of side by sides that's for sure. Other than the middle aged female horde the only other group I am seeing is of course the segregated and oppressed White Male lawn mowers everyday. as the drive into the area like  small army on the move every morning.

Twice today I also over heard a customer talking who believes there is going to be a bailout to correct the inflation and renewed prices on housing and auto loans. They didn't mention insurance which isn't far behind. Honestly I imagine the Democrat vote buyers will begin promising such things for their reliable base voters soon myself. All courtesy of Vote Buyer Biden and his ilk too. With the current problems the West is facing I assure you they will find some way to make everyone else pay for their Democratic pets soon.

As for the picture that is the newest view of what was advertised to me as only gonna be a parking lot  when it was started last Summer. Now I hear they are going to manufacture trailers over there and the Pest Control part has pulled out. They have brought in a couple hundred loads of gravel to raise the back side up at least 30 feet or so. I also hear the new houses that were planned there have been nixed and the owner is going to build his own bridge to his house half a mile away in the woods, over another lake and etc. All these plans without so much as a lagoon anywhere that I can see so far.

My bet is that guy is also waiting for another free PPP loan offer from Biden to keep building.

I bet the fallout from all this is gonna hurt!!


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. Oh yeah; you can BET that the Donks will be buying votes with our tax dollars as "Election" Day draws closer!

    How much you wanna bet those "older women" are from out here in the West? Yeah; they'll move there and then want to change that "Don't Tread On Me" attitude of "the locals." My mom, an over-the-moon Lefty who actually describes herself as a "quasi-Socialist," moved to Texas. It wasn't long before she was bellyaching about the "Don't Tread On Me" attitude and all the people who "carry." She actually told me that she hoped more people from California would move there to "purple" the demographic... WHY do these people DO this??? Funny too, she didn't want to move to CA... because the taxes are so high... Yup; all that "free stuff" has a HUGE price tag! For me, it would be a plus; that many LESS Lefties in CA! Texas is making the same mistakes CA made in the 70's and will end up in the same predicament in a few years... ...Ever notice how those "quasi-Socialists" always declare their positions AFTER they've gotten all they can out of Capitalism, and do so while sitting on a pile of money?...

    1. Pete - I know you are right 100%. The only glimmer of hope I see now is that perhaps The US is finally entering the end of such liberal ideas being fiscally possible. The time is coming I think this time to choose between someone's own life and their liberal ideas for a change. The only way this is going to stop is to come to end of making someone else responsible for the stupid choices you vote for personally. Maybe we have reached that point finally?

    2. For the MILLIONS of us Conservatives here in California, it really doesn't matter who we vote for. We get the Left's stupid choices! The Right hasn't been represented in CA in DECADES!!! You're right though. The Left is indeed running out of everyone else's money... We can only hope...

    3. Pete - Yes you are right we can only hope...


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