
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Gold Bugs and Silver Slugs Cheer as Feminsm Grows


Another day and end of the month aside I did not get the misfit deliveries in last night I was expecting, which tells me the weekly rail deliveries up around St. Louis were small enough that it was able to be moved with only three trucks yesterday. Actually two and a half trucks including a couple of castoffs that have been sitting around for a while too. Those deliveries also only include vehicles produced down around Kentucky and Further away. So there hasn't been enough to justify a rail from Mexico or direct pickups from Detroit or KC either.

This is very telling in itself although one instance is not enough to make a definitive call with yet. 

I have noticed a big uptick in silver and gold sales ads lately. Now I am not a financial advisor of any kind and indeed I have invested in precious metals some over the years myself but I would not even consider it period at this stage of the game. Why? Well mostly because no one can be sure exactly what we are dealing with yet.  There are many avenues of thought and how the West got itself into the situation I see brewing but few that touch on the base line issue as I see it anymore. Political Feminism pure and simple. The problems in the West so closely follow the ideology of Tainter's complex societies that few people really look into where , how and why the complexity seems to stem from these days. It all uses one base source these days and Feminism has so closely allied itself to abstract ideas like institutional racism and human rights that 90% of the sheeple can no longer separate it.

There is much that can be discussed on this topic but to begin with I would go no further than to point out how Western Femism is so deeply ingrained into Western Government and how the BRIC nations (Still almost 100% Male lead) were the first group to completely reject the Western rules and conditions.  NO matter the repercussions. All these conditions in some way tie nicely into Western Feminist idea directly.

Hence why I am wary of any investing right now. When these rules can no longer be enforced onto the world they will double down on enforcing them on the Western World specifically even harder and more damaging, and this to me means there are no longer any safe vessels for investment left anywhere outside of men suddenly discovering they can start a business mowing grass like the kids did back in the 60's and 70's. Recently the loss of commercial real estate has been in the news a lot but there is very little being done about the lay offs and such but By God housing will keep being built (even if a bit more slowly) because Women love their new houses. 

Even if they have to start taxing everyone to help pay for them now.

Politics and political movements will make no sense now until the Feminist grip on the West has been leveled. The ideologies of the so called Feminist version of equality and  prosperity for all are totally incompatible and we are seeing the end result of it being allowed to run rampant now for decades.

I for one am glad to see it's failure finally coming about while I am still around to witness it. 

We are entering a world now where the Christian beliefs in Security, providing and morals are once again going to become the most important values a Man can have. So investing in knowledge, ability and skills  are now the most important investments to pursue. And avoiding debt like the plague too.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


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