
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Reading - Pointing out Hypocrisy Has Always Been Racist


My biggest complaint against all these claims of fake racism and screams for equality has always been first and foremost the obvious and complete hypocrisy by the so called less privileged sorts that are doing all the complaining and demanding. 

Many people, especially the younger sorts don't see it, but all of these social issues we have today were spawned and fed by Feminism. 

Think I am wrong? 

It's pretty easy to see early on when the White Male hating progressive types were pretty much 100% White Female Feminist and wanted a bigger piece of the perceived pie, who did they need to target to get their share of their fantasy?

The rub is, just like we learned in the 90's if you give a certain group an advantage over other groups they are going to use it but not all White Females are feminist first and certainly not all em harbor an irrational hatred of White Men specifically.  I daresay every White Man out there has a mother and while that doesn't protect all of em by any stretch I think it is enough that in a natural Male v. Female political split none of the insanity we have seen since the 1960's would have been possible unless the White Feminist had political allies.

Hence the black civil rights movement was born and since day one White Women have been Honorary Minorities and in my humble opinion benefited more from the so called civil rights benefits than any other group. The early feminist found their allies and have been inviting more of em in by the metric butt load ever since. 

If you think I am wrong go look at any printed statement from early Feminist groups. NOW was my favorite but even back in the 70's it contained more propaganda about supporting special interest, especially racial groups, more than specifically Feminist interests. Go check out the gender split between White immigration supporters. Check out how White Female teachers will force more "wokeness" on their students than Males will. It is easy to see which gender supports this madness more than the other.

This is why everyday people like this Dilbert creator guy can get banished and slaughtered for pointing out an obvious hypocrisy like he did.  Facts have no bearing on the feminist feelings and they made sure their allies would feel the same about all things that deal with or had a touch of White Male sentiments. Period.

Even back in the early 80's I can remember most of us knew it was going to get out of control. What has always surprised me is just how long it has run out of control.  I daresay if it hadn't been for looting the middle class it would have collapsed long before now as the government has spent literally trillions to put square pegs in round holes and cover up the repercussions and damage since I was a kid. It is to a point I don't even think most average people today can even remember how it was or recognize it when things go bad either or see exactly why it did go bad.

They simply cannot see the Hypocrisy. 

Well to me the time has come where many people are pointing out the Hypocrisy and their numbers are growing. I was expecting this decades ago but I count myself lucky that I managed to make it long enough to see it starting even if I am too old, fat and bitter to help it much anymore my hat is off to people like this Scott Adams guy. I always did like his cartoons. I would only ask...

"What Kept Ya?"

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. Scott Adams is 100% correct. that's exactly why he'll be banned.

  2. Divide and conquer. Keep us at each other's throats over made up social issues and fake news that "White Supremacy" is the PROBLEM vs the 15% that cause over 60%+ of the violent crimes.

    Even families are at each others throats much like the Civil War era.

    Protect your family.

  3. Scott Adams got his start in the comics by posting hand-drawn cartoons on the bulletin board... the LITERAL bulletin board, not an "e" bulletin board, at the phone company where he worked, satirizing corporate management. He got fired for doing that as well. He'll land on his feet again, probably satirizing the "woke..."

    ...Support your local "cancelled culture," folks!


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