
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Good Sign


It continues to stay quite a bit above normal temperatures which has been great for my attempts to build the wood supply back up again. However the normal late Winter/Early Spring rains have started with a vengeance. It has been a few years since I have seen it this wet in late February so while I got my false Spring temps the rain has kept me from getting anything else done this month. Basically between the early Winter bad weather, work and now the rains I have pretty much got nothing done this Winter. 

And my warm day/cool night allergies are hitting me hard too. I am not sure what pollinates under these conditions but when they hit me I know it.

The good news is that the cold weather grasses are now noticeably coming up and as of last night some tree frogs have returned.  They are no where near the chorus I have grown used to over the years and now mostly  seem to be singing from the lower and wetter areas from my own property but there is at least a viable population of them left alive. 

So while the temps are about right the conditions and high winds have still kept me from getting much done. Still waiting to see how deliveries are going to settle. It slowed way down last week but appears to be bouncing back some so far this week so my work load may keep me from getting much done for another month or so.

Doesn't matter much cause I am not enough of an idiot to start  planting and gardening before May around here anyway. Done that and seen the rains wash it all a way enough times to know better than try it again. I will prolly start seedlings inside about the end of March though.

We still have the two chickens and the only hen has been laying at least once a day for over a month, some days twice. No casualties during the daily death counts either and the water tank repairs all held good for Winter. The only casualty was the tank I didn't drain and forgot about, it split in half. Here in another few weeks I will begin allowing the large tanks to refill from the down spouts as we should be well passed any danger of layer freezing and I plan on attempting to try using only collected water for the garden this season. 

Before gardening season gets going however it is looking like the dreaded mowing is gonna start.

I would rather split wood to be honest I am find myself wondering it I am going to get into a fight with some biker wanna be this Summer or not.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. spores are allergens this warm day and wet time
    have to take pills daily now
    are you sure your area is dioxin free?
    rain water might be contaminated??

    1. deb - There was a sight down the road about 2 miles that had some dioxin contamination and was closed for decades due to it but was finally cleaned up. I just know my allergies are getting worse off and on for years but I have had them since I was a kid in other parts of the world too. The older I get though they do change a bit but I am having trouble finding a good reliable source for even over the counter Zyrtek these days. The local stores are always out.


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