Monday, February 13, 2023

Man I am Getting Old


So I got the powerline pole pulled up into the yard so no one would steal it. I looked to see if there was another but I did not see one but perhaps they just haven't brought it to me yet. I was trying to wait until the ground firmed up a bit but I had to move. As it is they left the hardware on it, which I expected, but it still made about a 3 or 4 inch deep furrow in the yard. Not that it matters that little furrow will be gone by the time March is over I imagine once the rain starts.

Trouble is I couldn't get the pole off the ground very far due to the hill it side it was laying on, the fence line it was laying against and the ground being so wet I couldn't get the pole off the ground with any of my bars or tools. They just sunk in under it. I finally got two wedge shaped pieces of firewood and hammered em in on either side until I could dig under the pole and thread the chain around it. I then had to back down the fence line on the 30 degree incline until the pole cleared the fence next to the road. 

A year ago I would have just pulled it out and not cared if it swung out into the road a bit but that was when I only had real country drivers to worry about. Now I got some suburban immigrant coming down that road every 15 minutes in their SUV's with out of state plates that would panic if they saw me pulling a pole with an old tractor.

I also did not want to use my lift bar at such a sideways incline and that much weight raised very high off the ground either. 

With the help of two of my supervisors (Bean and Pantheon) I finally managed the entire situation but I was sure feeling the lack of human help by the time it was over let me tell you.


My Supervisor #1.


Ya it had nothing to do with me getting old damnit.

Next time it is nice out I will remove the hardware and cut it into usable lengths. Not sure what I am gonna need it for other than a corner post but I have so much maintenance to do around here now who knows?

It was also feed resupply day. Looks like overall grain prices have increased about 30% this year but that is not much for my little retired flock. Maybe adds about ten bucks a month overall and I splurged and got a block of that mineral/feed blocks the chickens like so much this month. I figure with only two left I could put it in their coop to nibble on some if the predators return and I leave em locked up for a day or so.

I hope it stays warmer like this I have so much I need to get done and it takes me a lot longer all by myself too.

Oh and Gail has a new article out over the Finite World Blog. I really enjoy her posts and have ever since the old Oil Drum days. I don't comment there any longer, I got tired of the guy that posts like 2000 times a day about how we are all gonna die due to nuclear reactors melting down. Anyway still good reads I always get excited about.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. Those posts make excellent flower garden borders… where is the other one? Did it get pinched already???

    1. I don't use raised beds any longer but I see your point!!!!


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