Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Reading - The Resource Wars


I was pretty sure I would be writing this post a few weeks ago when O'BiteMe started talking about how long it would take to count votes and Piglosi began flip flopping on the end of her Speakership.

Funny it's the same States the Femocrats had in the 2020 vote counting fraud that are going to take however long to count votes as is needed to assure a Democrat win isn't it? Votes continue to be manufactured (and counted) until they get the outcome they want. While 90+% of local elections went solidly Republican.  Just amazing how vote outcomes seem to defy polls and statistics these days aint it?

Things however are not as dark as they might first appear. It is pretty obvious that this disagreement will eventually boil down to States v. Federal internally and with each election the State side gains more strength and more importantly leadership. By using and promoting their big city base voters and huge amounts of imported foreign voters the Democrats have managed to maneuver the US into the bad guy spot for the World Resource Wars. The problem with single issue, low overall information voters is as things progress it leaves you no room to compromise and even the most misunderstood political issues have no wiggle room at all. This eventually places you at odds with more and more enemies.

The US is still currently the World's largest export nation overall mostly because of Agriculture  but also due to energy since the fracking and oil sands boom started. By continuing specific trade agreements namely the Petro-Dollar the US managed to also export inflation as well. Now how that worked was that as oil prices rose the prices to buy were under the other large currency rates of the producing countries so it increased the exchange rates and the strength of their currencies but magically decreased the exchange rate of the Dollar. In effect it kept our own prices lower while forcing oil import nations to pay the inflation that normally would have fallen on US consumers. Countries that could avoid importing energy as much as possible, like say those countries with a tap into the North Sea and BRENT crude fared much better. Yet as BRENT crude production declines and is pegged so closely to the Dollar suddenly as BRENT Crude prices climb so does the exchange rate of the Dollar to buy it. Now that the PETRO-Dollar influence is removed guess what happens? Inflation is now exported to Europe. Not just in energy prices but in everything it is also felt in the US itself as our export prices can now no longer insulate Americans.

The entire set up is further exacerbated because now not only are the Western Liberal Democrats reliant on their liberal one topic of importance base they have also forced themselves to championing these causes. The so called oppression of Women. Ya Saudi Arabia has never been happy about those fairytail dreams, Fake "Minority" lack of equity  that has nothing to do with racism etc. In turn this means in order to keep foreign allies the US must also become the defacto energy supplier for them or they will turn to the exporters who are now free from the Dollar leash and not using it as a tool to bribe their own supporters.

Kosovo, Japan, India, Haiti (of all places) etc. All will be forced to begin or have begun using the new system or suffer even higher inflation than they have already.

I admit this is a very basic explanation and there are many other complicated issues overall but in it's lowest form it will mean... Massive inflation and open repercussions for reckless government spending as it now has a much larger impact on that inflation. Debt will matter much more than it has in the last 50+ years than most people can imagine. Taxes will become more like debt as well and used in much the same way by local governments as they try and survive without the huge Federal monetary inputs they have grown accustomed too.

The final outcome remains to be seen but we are entering a period of massive upheaval and quite possibly a huge reduction in financial control by our government as it can no longer afford to finance everything it wants or buy more votes for it's victim politics. As individuals we don't have to know the why or how of these international financial issues but we should all know how it will effect us when we are now exposed to them. All resource prices will increase dramatically and continue to do so. Internally the Democrats will now attempt to gain as much control as they can but now will carry a much higher burden financially do to so. Politics have now become much more local than before.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. i watch 'redacted' on youtube seems the usa has invaded haiti!
    nothing in local news about it
    if govt more local could some of the men who read this web log consider running for local office?

    1. deb - I love "Redacted" one of my first sources these days although not as much lately they seem to be stuck on the same stories the last few weeks but yes that was were I first learned on what was going on Haiti and Kosovo as well and that Japan had signed an agreement with Russia. My guess is going forward local men and women will not decide to run for office but will be asked to run. When we reach that point we will know things are really getting started in my opinion.

  2. The current situation is untenable. We are literally ruled by clowns. The system can no longer protect itself, never mind the people it was created to serve. America can either Balkanize or have a civil war for control. One thing for sure is that our Establishment leaders today are on borrowed time.

    1. Filthie - We are being dominated by children. Children do not care about reality and will not vote for while there is a fantasy being sold. Free education, free money. Mob rule at it's finest and stupidest. We need reality to sink in and I at least believe it is already happening.


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