Thursday, October 27, 2022

Sumtin is Up


Been hearing some grumbling of course the last few weeks from a few of the drivers and individual shipments have been falling fast as the factories caught up with the backlog of reserved and ordered vehicles. The last month has seen a huge increase in national commercial and fleet F-150 orders however. Mostly orders from a well known car rental place that dabbles in fleet sales and then ships through us for the pre-delivery inspections and add on stuff etc.

This week however something has clicked.

As of this morning I now have 3 full shipments in Limbo and only one actual delivery for the entire week that came in Tuesday morning early. For me to be sitting here at 7AM on a Thursday morning without a list of vehicles waiting that showed up at 4AM and at least three calls from salesmen asking me to rush assigning a customer's vehicle to a tech and a list of shipments still coming in has not happened since the scamdemic lockdowns.

For a shipment to be in limbo is actually a rare thing. It has happened when a truck breaks down or a driver gets sick or is involved in an accident. I can count on one hand the number of times it has happened over the last few years though and maybe once it was in limbo for more than a day. I now have one shipment that has been AWOL for three days.

All I can say this morning is that for the last year or so my week has almost always started big on a Thursday with enough vehicles coming in that I am busy until Saturday afternoon pretty solidly just with shuffling and data input and this morning I am planning on meeting my dad for breakfast somewhere. 

Something has shifted. A permanent change or a blib in the system is yet to be confirmed.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. Do you think it is a lack of drivers PP? Or a slowdown in production?

    1. TB - Well the AWOL load finally showed up but not until today after it was deleted and than reloaded. Why? I have no idea.


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