
Saturday, December 12, 2020

At a New Beginning Tainted by Hoax and Fraud


Above are two of the last three drop offs we have had this year. The large orange cat is named Stuffing. I found him as a little ball of fur hiding under my wood furnace on Thanksgiving night last year. He was soaked to the bone and couldn't hardly move but he has turned into a wonderful cat that has fit right in around here. The gray one is Sid who popped up around August in the same type of scenario but he didn't even have his eyes opened all the way yet. There is another one named Lulu who is a gorgeous black female but she is pretty stand offish even now and rarely sleeps were she can be seen.

Well life goes on. The last month or so has been extremely busy for me and I do not see things changing much in the near future. I apologize for not getting to the comments from the last post as I have been over whelmed and also trying to keep up to date on the various legal fights over the rampant election fraud cases. Basically turned out as I called it as the spineless Supreme court cucks refused to do anything. Basically sighting there was no cause as ballots are a State issue so Texas and the other states had no status to file against the four states running illegal elections. Basically the Supreme Court hid and refused to come out and do their job really.

Funny how the courts have never had a problem taking away state rights when it benefits them but yet still want to use them as a shield when it doesn't. Anyway it is up to the parties from those states now to get their own elected legislatures moving. It is pretty obvious Trump won all four of those states but only citizens of those states are going to be able to do anything about the fraud or the results. 

Short of a war anyway.

The Covid hoax has made my life a living hell as co-workers seem to disappear as they claim to have been around someone who was positive once and never seem to come back. I know they are still alive cause I see em out and about. They just ain't coming back to work. It is all I can do to keep my once part time hours from turning into over time plus now. I went from my easily doable 20 or so hours a week to a minimum of 30 about half the time with 40+ every other week. People are suppose to stay at home but I haven't seen any indication of that at work. The work load is up by several hundred percent with a constant stream of idiots wearing their masks coming in for an oil change. If you are so frightened you need to wear a mask then stay the FU%k home!!! It's so ridiculous and usually just adds yet another layer of cost and work on top of the way it was before. The company loves it of course as it gives them an excuse to stop doing anything that was in-convenient or cost the company the slightest bit of money for the employees or customers. From birthday snacks to parking places any little change management wanted now has to be done due to Covid.

LOL never let a good emergency go to waste huh?

The end result is now I have even less time to get things done and all of it during the shortest days of the year too. Not to mention I feel totally drained after walking 50 plus miles a day across concrete parking lots once I can get home. The extra money is nice but honestly after a certain point time is more valuable to me then what I am selling it for. 

What has really been taking alot of time now is getting all of my Mother's last affairs in order and her massive messes cleaned up. We found a horse rescue and relocation organization for the last two horses which took them plus a good amount of donations besides. Still well worth the effort. One of the remaining horses still has several years of good riding left in him and was well trained for it but the other had some hoof issues so will never be anything but a pasture decoration. Regardless they are no longer my problem but will take years to rejuvenate their old pasture. I doubt I will ever truly see those 15 acres of land be worthwhile in my lifetime but I may be able to use some of it for sheep grazing in a year or so. Until then it's just more weeds I will have to mow.

We have her house I built for her about halfway cleaned out. I have never seen more useless junk and knickknacks in my life. I am going to end the topic here. this is no forum for airing dirty laundry and honestly I never had a good relationship with my Mother anyway so it would be an easy thing for me to start ranting about. Suffice it to say a large part of me hanging this blog up originally had to do with my Mother's failing mental state and the extra work/time it demanded of me and leave it there. I did my duty as a son so I have no regrets and it is over so time to move on.

I am going to give some serious thought in how the Small-Hold should move. There is still some hope that a legal issue can snag up the voter fraud election before Joe and his Hoe can take office but we cannot count on that. We are more than likely going to be back in a besieged state soon and that means a shift in living and preparing once again. Yes it's time to Prep harder once again.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. I never saw Trump as anything more than a delay in the deadstick crash landing of our country, PP. As for the SCOTUS, I KNEW they were going to cave on the voter fraud issue. They didn't want to be responsible for blowing the lid off the country, so they "stayed in the basement." Now that law has come to mean nothing, along with your vote, the only way for the United States to go is down. Never mind the fact that Pelosi sees "no concern" that a congressman on the HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE was playing hide the salami with a Chinese spy... Lady, if that doesn't concern you, you're a traitor yourself!

    As for your mother... Yeah... I get it...

    1. Pete - Oh I agree with ya about Trump. I was just hoping he would get a second term as I am overall pleased with his delay from the first term. Could have been a bit better I admit but he was better than I expected. I also agree with the voting thing. I called SCOTUS's claiming it was the states right from the beginning. Yet as an original jurisdiction I thought they would be smart and make a ruling plus states rights never has stopped em before either. What a crazy world nothing is gonna be settled at this point until the shooting is finished I think.

  2. I must be a bad son. I told my elders that I wasn’t playing their head games, I wasn’t going on their guilt trips, and I wasn’t going to bust myself up trying to pass their sh*t tests. When they insisted I walked away. They were still of sound mind and health when I did it. Now they are getting elderly... and I wonder if I am a good son...

    FWIW, PP... I’d rather work than stay home... but I am nonessential... plus I am the wrong race, the wrong gender, and the wrong age... and I have the wrong opinions too...😳

    1. GF - I hear ya. I had to pay off the mortgage on this farm she had it so far into debt they were fixin to foreclose which is why I ended up here. Personally I wanted a place with more trees myself. I took care of her and her animals despite her lies, snooping and "burrowing" my stuff but I had to occasionally put my foot down and say no. Then she would call the entire family and say I was mean to her and she was afraid of me. I offered several times to have the family take her in if they were so worried. If I hadn't of been a little hard about the animal upkeep and daily chores I would of had 50 horses to get rid of instead of 2. Towards the end she was really getting bad. Argumentative and difficult etc. She wasn't safe to drive but I couldn't take her car away from her and couldn't force her to stay at home. In the end I am surprised she didn't kill someone on the road or something.

  3. The work situation certainly has been something. I have gone back and forth between very part-time, to full-time plus hours. Working my own and filling in/sub at other places. All while trying to sell (out from under a mortgage) and buy another place. Moving in itself wasn't the issue, but buying a forclosed, empty for 2 years place, is a LOT of work. Compound that by the downsize, 3200 sq ft down to 1800, THAT was a challenge. All good though.
    Sorry to see our country going down this path. There is a fine line between keeping the faith, and feeling defeated. Praying for POTUS, and his administration and family daily. It is not over till it's over. We may have to hunker down for a bit, but only to regroup and come back stronger.
    I always had a soft spot for orange cats.

    1. Hi YA Diana Seems a lot of people have a soft spot for Orange cats. I must admit it has always been the orange ones that seem to adopt me as their own more than others. Stuffing, from the picture, reminds me a lot of my most favorite cat named Penelope or Piglet as I called her. She laid claim to me as a kitten and that was that. We had her for years then all of a sudden she decided she wanted to be a hunter. That was fine until she decided the field across the road looked like a good hunting ground and she got hit. Still pisses me off to this day but I had never seen her go towards the road before that day.

  4. Glad you have been posting again, its tough to turn down money cause as my Grandpa used to say, always make hay while the sun is shining - but I like to balance out my hay needs with my home life which involves a to do list there as well - hope all settles out - hang in there and best wishes!

    As far as what's next - this from Feral Irishman is where I think it could very well go - and provides a hella civics lesson to boot

    There is also on Dec 18th a report about the election from director of intelligence if I remember correct that is required 45 days after election - if they state there was fraud and foreign interference it could give the substance Trump needs to trigger the executive order he signed in 2018 on elections. He may want to try all available legal and constitutional channels first before triggering an EO

    1. Yep Misfit71 you are right the whole thing isn't over yet. At least it shouldn't be but I find myself losing faith that the ones in the positions will do their jobs and not just roll over.


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