
Friday, November 27, 2020

And People Say 2020 has been Bad


The last four years has been like a breath of fresh air around the Small Hold and in rural areas in general. With Trump in office I was able to scale back my actual prepping and work more on overall progress like fence building. I was able to shelve learned sustainable endeavors that will be infinitely useful in a long term survival situation but less so while a paycheck is coming in and focus on long term projects that while proving just as valuable in the long term are much harder to accomplish without that very same steady paycheck. Like laying down massive amounts of gravel, digging out an old farm pond with tractors that sort of thing. Not something you want to do when the fuel supply is limited with no replenishment in sight. Truth is there will always be projects of both type to do but with Trump in office it was time to focus on those which needed a bit more direct resource input because I could count on having those resources available from day to day.

Seems those days may be at an end. I hope the election fraud cases succeed. Anyone who declares there is no proof of election fraud when literally millions of mail in ballots were sent out that require no proof when counted is just a fraud themselves. We all know this has been going on for decades now. Hell the US itself declared the Ukrainian election fraudulent back in 04 I think for the same reason. It just took em a while to figure out exactly what and where they were needed and how many of them. How any American or US State can accept that these same fraudulent ballots will also determine the President for everyone including those who are honest.... well I don't know why they would accept them at all and they shouldn't. Whether they do or not remains to be seen.

 So far Biden has promised to legalize 11 million illegals. Will be more in the tune of 50 Million before it is done I imagine. Is in talks for Black reparations, forgiving student loans, de-funding law enforcement and closing prisons... also forgiving student loan debt, removing all tax cuts and adding in a new inheritance tax. No more leaving your children something when ya go or trying to keep ancestral land in the family.  Those days are over for at least 4 years unless something is done to stop it.

For the first time however I have some small glimmer of hope that perhaps real patriots may be ready to step up though. I noticed yesterday Google had it's usual anti-Thanksgiving propaganda going. They had turned it up a bit this year accusing Whites of all sorts of genocide etc. I posted my usual comment about Asian immigrants killing the indigenous Solutrean/Clovis people off expecting the same amount of notice it has gotten for a decade and a half....  maybe 6 readers who actually knew what I was referring to.  The Solutrean theory is always a topic that will make any White hating, Multi-Cultist mouth foaming mad but it is not well known, I usually only posted it just to see how many up votes it would get. Last few years as I say 6 upvotes were the highest I ever got. This year? Over 400 in a few hours. 

I got a feeling Patriotic/Conservative Americans are no longer gonna take this Multi-Cult Madness any longer. Perhaps since the ballot box has stopped working it may in fact be the time of the Cartridge Box.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. Don't forget that the Joe/Ho' administration has plans to save us from those scary looking "assault style" weapons... that somehow kill people all by themselves...

  2. I am so glad you guys are going to fight. At this point though, it appears the establishment has made its choice. If the patriots lose this one, there will never be another free election unless lots of bloodshed occurs first.

    The question now is - will they take orders from a govt they cannot trust? Biden and his pet vibrant are in for a very rough ride.

    1. And... it’s good to see you posting again PP...

  3. I’m glad to see ya back, buddy! Been waiting to see if you were gonna keep it going or not.

  4. could you point me to a book about solutreans?
    never heard of them and google just brought up pictures of flint spear tips

    1. Deb - I am going to do a post about them a bit tonight. Or at least I have one planned I was doing some research on the Solutrean theory last night again to refresh my memory. Not going to do it with resource links or anything but if you google the Solutrean theory you will get lots of links. The pressure point style the Solutreans used for making points and tools is key as it was only ever duplicated by the Clovis people in N. America and completely died out when the current Ameri-Inds moved here. So it is a very unpopular theory.


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