
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

One Thing After Another

This last month has just been problem after problem with absolutely no let up in sight right now. The heat has been bad enough with the constant rains, although the rain has fallen back to maybe once every other day now. You get a day to mow and then it rains and you almost have to mow again the next day. Add to this the plague of mechanical breakdowns I went through again and all the extra hours at work due to the fraudulent co-worker and his so called back injury and I simply cannot keep up with the problems as they crop up now.

Each day I am just having to focus on the more important ones and let the others slide.

One of my Dad's friends had a tree cut down in his yard this weekend and asked me if I would cut up the remains so he wouldn't have to pay to have it hauled off. No problem except now he want's it hauled off like yesterday so after work there I am running the chain saw and loading up a bunch of live Maple. Then of course Mrs. PP had a flat tire this morning so when I got home I had to air it up and run it down to the repair shop. I am sure it won't be done before tomorrow so I have to go pick the wife up in town this afternoon. The grass still isn't mowed completely and forget about trimming. The pasture needs brush hogging again and then my mother has a flat tire too all of a sudden.

An unexpected storm came through yesterday and blew the top off my solar wax melter so now I have to get a new piece of glass for it and repair that. I still have a swarm living in a swarm trap I haven't had a chance to look at and I think I got a dead out hive down in the back of the pasture too not to mention mow the path down to those hives to get there.

One of the chain saws needs a new chain put on, I have a load of wood to unload before heading off to pick up the wife and then tomorrow I get to start the whole process all over again. Oh Joy!!!

I hope you will understand if posting gets a bit light for a while until I get things caught up.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. Take care of your business, we will be stopping by to check on you.

  2. It would be really bad if you didn't have all of those tractor girls to help you do everything. Hot with no rain here so we are carrying water to the garden.

  3. PP,

    Totally understand you're busy!!! Take it one step at a time my friend.

  4. That's a lot to deal with all at once. You need a clone!

  5. Summertime= longer days, still not enough hours!

  6. Sounds like you need to stop hanging out with that Murphy guy. That's a lot on your plate but like the other poster said - one step at a time. The blog will wait and we'll still be here.

  7. I was just commenting to the missuss last night that this has been one hot, sticky, dirty, busy, expensive summer so far. I guess God's training us up for what's soon to come. Think of it as "boot camp!" I always wondered why there was always so much "junk" scattered around farms... That's not junk! THAT'S THE TO-DO LIST! Godspeed, PP!

  8. You sound really stretched at the moment, so hope you can find some quiet time somewhere in all the busyness.

  9. Your life sounds like mine. But I had one nice thing today - early this morning I was outside drinking my tea when a ruby throated hummingbird decided to hover three feet from my face. It's the first one I've seen all year. So now that I've discovered there is another pond in the crawl space under the house, I'm going to keep thinking about that bird...

  10. Guys who use wood to make furniture and bowls will come and get your wood, maybe even paying a bit for it.


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