
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

And People Wonder Why Insurance and Government Cost so Much

So Yesterday morning I got off work at pretty close to my usual time. I had an appointment to meet with the guy who has the tree he wants cut up at around 11:30 so I had about an hour to kill. Right next to the place I work is a pretty well traveled fitness trail that run alongside a creek which holds a number of Pokemon GO spawns my son has been wanting.

So I decided to take a little stroll and catch a few for him (no really they are for him I swear).

I clock out, walk to the back of the lot and jump down off this 3 foot high little retaining wall on to the trail. Pop a lure to attract the little make believe monsters and begin catching em. ALL if ya must know!!!

After about 30 minutes I am hot and I wander back to the spot on the edge of my work lot where there is a nice little bench in the shade. While I am sitting there I notice that a couple of the pretty White F-150's have had their tail gates spray painted with the slogan....

Black Lives Matter.

Isn't that cute. I bet the general manager is having a fit.

As I am resting in the shade my co-worker who has been on light duty for two months now after claiming he is suffering back pain when some poor slob rear ended him and didn't even dent the bumper, comes slinking around one of the trucks and jumps down off the retaining wall unto the concrete trail. He then high tails it down the trail to the back of a supermarket where he likes to go to buy his lottery tickets.

We were a good 2 hours away from normal lunch time not to mention that has to be some kind of back pain and damage that it only hurts when he is doing stuff he is suppose to be doing.

I can't believe this guy is getting away with this scam.

And that my friends is how the world gets one step closer to economic collapse when government now enforces slackers and liars to profit while penalizing the truthful and hard working.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. I am thinking your new smart phone probably has the ability to record video.....

    1. I was going to say the same thing...

    2. YA it does but it wasn't like I was expecting him to show up or anything. One of the big reasons I even got this phone was to help me read the VIN numbers off these cars honestly so I do know how to use that part but he was already down the path by the time I could have gotten it going.

  2. yes learn to use the video, I dont understand pokermon and I dont understand why people feel the need to pull a fast one and rip people off

    1. Dawn - See above for the video thing. As far as pokemon goes it is fun I must say. I have always enjoyed leveling games and finding hidden stuff so I do like to play it I must admit.

  3. These blame and claim people are the worst type of people.

  4. Replies
    1. K - If I had only known to be on the lookout. He already knows I have complained about him shirking his duties anyway so I doubt he will take that route ever again now.

  5. Have a look around the building and see if they've got video cameras up. Maybe he's already been caught on camera, let management know around what time to look on the recorder and enjoy the fun. I work for a grocery store chain and cameras everywhere have blown out many fakers!

  6. That man will get caught out one day, of that you can be sure. But it is hard not to get angry about this type of person, and to see them getting away with their shenanigans.

  7. Put a number on how much that guy cost the company and the tax payer. Thousands? Tens of thousands?

    He is just a drop in the bucket. A molecule of H20 in a sea of it. This is why Detroit looks like a stage set for Planet Of The Apes, and why the entire state of California is a moral and intellectual sewer. It's spreading too...


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