
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Lambing Season Starts

Lambing season officially started yesterday. We try and breed for lambs to start dropping the first of April at the earliest and I guess Hazel was eager to get it over with because she had two little boy lambs last night.

I was pretty sure she was going to pop last night but as of 11PM she still hadn't. I went to bed about then and when I got up for work at 5:30 this morning the deed was done. Mrs. PP said she could hear the little buggers bleating as soon as she got to the barn. One of them is even a little badger face.

Hazel is an excellent mother. This is her fourth set of twins for us without any complications so I wasn't all that worried about her managing on her own last night. She even went into the birthing stall I had left open for her.

I need to check my records but I think we only have 13 ewes bred this year so the flock won't be growing as much as it did last year. These two are our first lambs out of the new ram though so I guess he has proven himself somewhat already.

Posting maybe a bit light until lambing season is over this year though. I am behind on preparations for it.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!


  1. They are adorable PP! I love lambs, so cute. Did you cut back on breeding on purpose? Hope you guys stay warm tonight, we are going down into the low twenties.
    Have a good Sunday.

    1. LW - It didn't make it much below frost levels here. We lost three breeding ewes this last year. One to retirement and two because of the barberpole worm problem we had. We only gained one new ewe who is old enough to breed so we are down two overall. Next year we will be up about 10 I think.

  2. PP,

    Twins, how sweet! Love their coloring. There's just not enough time in a 24 hours to get everything done. We will catch you when you're available to post. Don't work to hard, hugs to your family.

    1. Sandy - We have about 80% twins and maybe 10 percent triplets and 10% singles. You're right not enough time this time of year and especially since I am now working about 25 to 30 hours a week in town too.

  3. good news hope all the lambing goes smoothly for you

  4. A good start to your lambing season, which I hope goes well for you.

  5. She even went into the birthing stall all by herself! What an excellent sheep! I hope the rest of lambing season is as trouble free.

    1. Leigh - Me too. We had a few issues last year but didn't lose any.

  6. wow! Hazel was right on time! those little black lambies are sooooo cute! no worries about posting, just update us you can!

    sending much love! your friend,

    1. kymber - They are not to be petted by the wife lol. We have one whether too many as it is. :)

  7. I think while our lawn mower is broke, this might be a good time to talk my DH into getting some lambs. They are so cute!

    1. HG - If it wasn't for the cost of fencing I would just use the sheep to mow for me :)


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