
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Redbuds in Bloom

Looks like despite my lack of trust Spring is determined to continue along on it's early schedule this year. The Redbud trees are blooming now and the so are the Wild Plums. I am also seeing some buds beginning to swell and open on the Apple trees as well.

I am still wary however. Spring has a mean streak around here when it first comes in and takes some kind of perverse joy in tricking gardeners and other planters into jumping the gun and then dumping a bunch of snow on top of your work.

If I ever forget that fact my little supervisor cat is here to remind me of the night of his birth at the end of March when it snowed 12+ inches.

He's the one on the far left with the white on his cheeks. He almost went to another home back then but at the last minute the one's who wanted him backed out so he stayed. Now he is just my supervisor.

I spent the afternoon getting the next three swarm traps I have to put out cleaned up and ready. I took some new pics to show a couple of the things I mentioned in Tuesday's post.

You can see in the above picture the metal disk I sometimes use as a moveable entrance blocker and the support pieces across the box to hold a frame or two of comb to help entice the swarms to move in.

This trap is made from just extra bits of plywood I had laying around and is several years old now. It's caught many a swarm in it's time. The dark ring around the support board is where I smeared some tanglefoot around it to keep the ants from moving in. Ants are a serious problem around here and a swarm will not move into a trap that is infested with ants.

I think this stuff is really nothing more bearing grease to be honest but it sure works and keeps the ants out until some type of vegetation managed to bridge it's way over it. It sure is sticky stuff though so I am extra careful when I spread it on.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. Our oak trees are leafing up very early although some of the fruit trees are blossoming later! Spring does seem to be a bit odd this year!

    1. Vera - No oaks budding out here yet that I have seen but pretty much all the other trees are. Oak are kinda the last hold out around here as far as trees go, well oaks and hickory.

  2. I like the look of your swarm trap, will have to show hubby I wonder if we could get the moveable door ring over here off to look on google now

    1. Dawn - I am sure someone sells them in Europe. I got mine from Mann Lake here in the USA.

  3. Orange kittens are my weakness. Someone could drop a tub of ten of them at the end of my driveway and I'd probably keep every one of them.
    Our red buds are blooming here too.

    1. Lisa - The mother of that crew was my girl. She was a dwarf, munchkin, ringtail and had the best personality of any cat I ever seen. She rode on my shoulder almost everywhere until one day I went to work and she decided to cross the road to hunt in a field. Had never ever seen her go near a road but when I found her she was dead. Man I miss that cat.

  4. PP,

    Love those Redbuds!! One of these days I'm going to get me one or two and plant them on the property.
    It's suppose to freeze this evening, time to cover everything back up. It's not a true Spring with this weather.

    1. Sandy - Yep I don't put anything out until the end of April because I hate covering up plants. Redbuds here are weed trees. Maybe I can mail you a seedling.... hmmmm.

  5. Red-buds are in full bloom here as well. The previous owner had a love for them so we have more than our share on the property. Do you know if the bees use them?

    1. Perry - Oh my bees hit them hard every year when they bloom. The bumblebees like them too. Since I planted a couple Redbuds in the yard now I have little ones sprouting up everywhere.

  6. You realize that redbuds aren't red?
    We have had it down in the 20s in May so I don't get in a big hurry. I started tomato, pepper and tobacco seeds today so they should be ready to plant after normal last frost. I will keep the seedlings in a little hot house that is and old window and pallet configuration with plastic around the sides, protects them a little before sitting them out. I started some of your tobacco seed and a guy is supposed to bring me two types of local VA tobacco plants in trade for yellow tomato plants.
    I like yellow cats like that but haven't had any dropped in a while.

    1. Sf - Ya they are really pink aren't they?

      I usually start plants about the first of March inside but not this year again. Too much fencing left to do. I really want a small green house at some point.

  7. hey - flowers - you bastard - we are gonna get more snow next week....

    just kidding - glad it is warming up chez vous!

    we use teh tanglfoot on blue cups to trap deerflies.. it is pretty sticky stuff..

    enjoy the spring and more cats LOL!


    1. Jamby - Flowers everywhere here now but we are getting the edge of an Alberta clipper right now so been cold all day today.

  8. The boys at Ye Olde Woode Shoppe have a cat and he's in charge of the Complaint Department. If you want to gripe about the staff or the merchandise The Cat is right there on the counter - sleeping until needed. He even has his own business cards right beside him where he sleeps on the counter.

    I never actually see him move and I told the boys that I think he's dead - but didn't want to trigger a scene similar to the one that embarrassed Monty Python in the Parrot Shop.

    I am a man of professional stature and have standards to maintain. :)

  9. Your redbuds sure are pretty. Ours are a little behind you, and fewer and farther between. I remember the side of the mountain being purple with them when we lived in NWAR. Breathtaking, and something I miss.

    Went down to Asheville to see a crunchy friend a couple weekends ago. She's real liberal but I love her. Learned you can eat redbud blossoms just like clover. Try a handful-- they're delicious. She also gave me some redbud tea to try. It's very good, and something available in early spring.

    In that vein, my Libby friend also gave me a recipe for a delightful champagne made from elderberry flowers, sugar, and water. She did not give proportions, just "More than for vinegar, less than for wine." Let the blossoms stand in sugar water for two days to a week, then strain and bottle. Allow to stand at least nine months. I usually cannot drink champagne. This did not make me sick, and it was soooooooooooooo good (and probably has both the immune and respiratory benefits of elderflower/berry and the digestive benefits of fermentation).


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