Thursday, December 10, 2015

Artisanal Firewood LOL

So I saw this video linked in the comments over at Wirecutter's site this evening.  Truth is I am still laughing so hard I almost couldn't type this post out.

Sad to admit with the stupidity of inner city liberals these days and the disparity of wealth we have going on with all these modern day Romes stealing the resources of the outlying provinces. The video is actually kinda believable.  

Anyway I had to take an emergency work run down to Southwestern Missouri today so I didn't get a post prepared. I saw this video and thought I would share since it had me laughing so hard. I think I might have close to 4 or 5 million bucks just in one of my "needs splitting" piles!!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. Totally hilarious. I wish I had thought of it when I lived in yuppieland

    Carl in the UP

    1. Carl - I have seen those little plastic wrapped bags of wood and thought that was out of control but this. LOL At first I even believed it might be true until the guy got out those little scissors.

  2. That made me laugh so hard, my stomach hurts. When I was using an axe to split firewood for my grandma all those years ago, I wish I'd known my labor was worth more than 50 cents a cord.

    1. RP - WOW 50 cents a cord? Damn I think they paid indentured servants more than that in the 1700's didn't they? :)

  3. At the end of it, a video for "water makers" popped up. They are actually water collectors, but they still have that metro sexual style to them.

    1. Russ - I didn't watch till the complete end.I should go check that out!!!

  4. You won my giveaway! Shoot me an email at 5acresandadream at mail dot com and tell me where to send it. :)

    1. Leigh - Wow that's cool!!! I will send one off to you!!!

  5. It reminds me of some of the serious stuff I see where it all comes down to giving someone the opportunity to have something exclusive that other people can't afford. I often think of packaging horse turds for sale in town as organic, natural, green dog treats. The dogs would love them and not everyone could afford them. "If you don't have Sunnybrook DAWG treats - well you don't have shit!!"

    1. Sf - I should do custom sheep pellets and bag em up for garden fertilizer for yuppies. It might work and then we could be the masters of dung!!!

      I know the dogs do love em some horse dung when they get em.

  6. I saw that video some ago and thought some-one is taking the pee here, although its believable that some would really fall for this :-)

    1. Dawn - Well the tiny scissors convinced me it was a sham but the 1200 dollar price tag on the one log got rid of any doubt I may have had left.

  7. I'm not positive but that guy looks to be the same one who did the "shit weekend farmers say" video on youtube.

  8. PP,

    OMG, are you serious!!! I laughed so hard.
    This guy even used fresh ginger to rub along the wood. LOL!!!!

    1. Sandy - Ya that was hilarious too. The tiny scissors got me laughing so hard I hadn't stopped by the ginger part. I just had to laugh harder.

  9. I loved this when I saw it, i think you might like this one as well.
    Rather funny!


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