Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday Catch Up - Part II

I actually managed to recover enough by noon today to get a few little things done. I checked on all the bee hives and every last one was showing massive activity and the hummingbird feeders full of the failed Watermelon jelly concoction were being slurped up like mad.

One forager even managed to find her way into the house and I used a glass and a piece of cardboard to return her to the great outdoors. As good as the hives were looking I am pretty sure they are going to make it until things start blooming this year now.

Knock on wood....

The Boxelder trees and several other varieties are showing some big buds too so unless the temps turn really nasty the girls should have some natural forage soon.

I even felt well enough to go back down and fight with that cattle panel a bit more and managed to get it pulled out of the dried weeds in good shape.

So a restful morning and a handful of ibuprofen was all I needed to get back to work. I will admit I wasn't moving none to fast though.

Looks like I will be able to cut some wood tomorrow now though.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Glad the bees are still buzzing around

    1. Rob - The girls were out in force again today as well. I think this is going to be a good year for bees around here.

  2. I will have to look for signs of spring today, I haven't seen any so far, still cold at night even though the TV keeps telling me it is warm. They must put all of the weather stations in warm areas to support global warming theory/religion.

    1. Sf - It seems this year you guys out East are getting more cold than we are getting here which is a change from the last couple of years anyway.

      LOL like they try and hide their global warming lies that much, they just make it up as they go :)

  3. That is wonderful news Preppy. Here is to hoping we have mild weather until Spring.

    1. TB - I really hope so. The next 10 days looks really mild if they don't change it. We could use a mild one here this year but a little more rain would be nice too.

  4. We have 4-5 days of 50 degree or better weather followed by a day of snow. repeat for the next couple of months. We are looking forward to spring so we can plant the gardens, seed the cabin property and drop in a few dozen fruit tree's.
    I'm glad your bee's are happy, I'm a sucker for honey.

    1. Max - Ya we seem to be falling into that same pattern now. Not sure how big my garden is going to be this year as I have to make some big pushes into the sheep production but I do plan on adding in another dozen or so fruit trees.


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