Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Know Your Feminist Trolls 101

Yesterday there were two great discussions going on at sites linked off my sidebar that involved Feminism or it's impact.

Both discussions brought out the usual range of Feminist Trolls. There is the...

We all need to live together crowd - Who generally break down to you just need to find the right woman comments blah blah blah. Some of these types are pretty honest and really believe what they say. Either they have blissfully managed to live in a bubble all their lives or haven't been close enough to Male family members or friends who have been put through the Male meat grinder. You have to kinda look for keywords in their comments to figure out which ones are genuine and which ones are hoping to smooth over the current status quo in hopes of keeping their good thing going a bit longer.

The Deceivers - These are mostly older Women who secretly know what is going on but try and paint over it usually by using examples they pull out of the 1950's or 60's. Not very helpful at all but they don't aim to be. Their real motive is a shaming technique somewhat like their young Feminist cohorts who go right into the small penis comments or accuse you of never having been on a  date. These Feminist tools are too old to go that rout so they try and make up examples of Men who are supportive kitchen bitches with six figure incomes straight out of some romance novel.

The Mangina's - My least favorite group of all. These are the Male traitors who's only real motive is to somehow pray they get some Female attention of their own or internet praise for sacrificing younger Males. These types are the real reason Feminism got out of hand as they would sell their own Sons into slavery for the praise of some (Hopefully Young) Woman. Luckily these types are getting OLD. You rarely see one younger than 50 these days. A dying breed that almost no one will lament their passing. The Feminist they support for a few crumbs will actually celebrate their passing calling them "Old White Men" and us younger Men will only notice their lack of pandering once they are gone. Good riddance...

The Denialist - This is a new group of Feminist. This group I just noticed cropping up more over the last few years. They are mostly middle aged White Women who got pushed aside as the Diversity pie shrunk. Almost always unmarried because they bought into the hype they could go for a career. They are convinced they received no special privilege given to them despite riding the wave of title IX through college and then being offered make work government jobs or some other position solely there to fill a government bid requirement. Mostly they are just ignorant of just how many ways the government was manipulated to give them an edge but now that they are feeling the effects of the decline they will never see it for what it was. This is an interesting group because they really have no clue and there is nothing you are going to point to that will convince them. They still enjoy many social privileges and being able to rely on the daddy state for protection but otherwise they find themselves out in the cold. Maybe they will see the lies eventually but who knows.

The Traditional Feminist - These are almost becoming a rare bird these days. I think they mostly just hide out over at Jezzebell or somewhere now and refuse to come out and fight. Many of them are frantic because they know their lies are coming unraveled. I almost don't even care about this group anymore they are such a dying breed. The real work is undoing their damage but it is slowly being accomplished as Men strike back. Many of their old leaders got old and in the end showed the true end result of their hatred. I think many young Women fled from them it got so bad.

I have to say I was really impressed with the comments on the two discussions. As the old Pandering Manginas die off the younger Men are speaking their minds and not rolling over like they used to. Five years ago or so I remember being so out numbered on these discussions it was like 20 insults and 15 bahs for every point I made. These days it's at least an even playing field and in fact the younger Men who got burned are taking the numerical advantage I believe.

The war isn't over yet by a long shot but the tide is definitely turning.


  1. This is more of a sendup of the green-left, but I do think you will find this funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnbtRiLamsw

    1. Russ - That actually was very funny at least the parts I could follow.

  2. i believe you should put women on a pedestal...high enough so you can look up her dress

    your friend kimber

    1. Wow the Kimber troll!!! How ya been man? Haven't seen you in a while.

    2. how the heck is it that of all the people on the interwebs i get a troll? i just don't understand???

    3. You should take it as a compliment :)

      He really is rather harmless and cuddly as trolls go.

    4. Do not feed the trolls! And you should feel honoured Kymber - most of us do not rate our own particular troll.

  3. That photo looks like something you wake up next to after a night of heavy drinking. You know how this all started?? Our older brothers took one look at all the boobs hanging out when the women took off their bras to burn and their minds turn to shit.

    1. I doubt it took boobs. Just the hint they might see some.

  4. You better not ever work at a college, well one that has women or manginas running it. The one here is a small copy of the federal government and like the country, they are running the college into the ground. They just confiscate more money from the desperate people who think they have to have a degree to "make it". My theory is that to "make it" you have to know how to make something, not just have a degree.

    1. Sf - You ain't lying, I know what my life span would be in the education field. The sorry part of it is I have my teaching certificate for secondary and could also be an instructor for at least the 100 and 200 level college courses. These days though they want minorities studies degrees for those classes.

  5. Kymber - I am pretty sure it is a he and he hasn't been around for a long time. I thought we had lost him.

  6. PP - can you have a look at this site and let me know if this is natural and possible?


    much love bro!


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