Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bah Humbug

Yes yes... Merry Christmas and all that to everyone. I can't wait until this is over myself. OH I know be of good cheer and all that. Well fine. I try every year but the last minute Christmas rush always put's me in a super bad mood no matter how much I try and be prepared for it it's always rush, rush, rush we got to go by this time on Christmas eve and nothing puts me in a fouler mood than being rushed.

I think my Dad has the best Christmas plan of all. He does absolutely nothing except stay at home and wait for us to stop by on the way to the other side of the family get together so he can dish out presents to all the grand kids and get his from us. He sits in his big easy chair watching the Sci-Fi channel all night with a huge smile on his face.

Personally I long for Thanksgiving where the food is just as good, if not better, and there aren't 100 million little things to remember, get ready, wrap, etc.

I did get one lucky break today though. I finally figured out what was going wrong with the flooring and it can't really be fixed easily so we are abandoning it and going with another plan. Turns out the floor is slightly off level just enough to make that super thin floor veneer keep popping out of the groove. I figured that with a small building of that design getting the floor absolutely level was going to be a problem and I was right. It looks like it has sunk on the pad maybe 1/16th of an inch on one edge. Which makes sense as thats where most of the weights comes down on it. So We need to try something a bit more forgiving and I have a few ideas. It will also allow me to put a bit of an insulation lining down like I wanted to do to begin with.

So Merry Christmas everyone. It's been raining, drizzling, snowing or overcast here for almost an entire month now and although not real cold it is starting to have an effect on my nerves. The sun has abandoned us for good I think.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Replies
    1. JuGM - Actually I have figured out why I get so pissed off. The wife starts snapping at everyone because she is behind and that just puts me in a foul mood. I'll be fine once she gets happy again :)

    2. Oh and a very Merry Christmas to you all down that way as well :)

  2. bahahahahah! yer killin' both me and jambaloney with your last couple of posts...honestly, buddy, we feel your pain! and love you all the more for it! we both wish you all of the best for 2015 but you, like us, know that it is a constant struggle. a struggle that we all become better for. or something! we send much love your way!

    your friends,
    kymber and jamby

    1. Kymber - It wouldn't be so bad but Mrs. PP always has such grandiose plans for everything. Wouldn't matter how much she tried to get ready ahead of time she would just fill up her schedule to the end regardless.

      Merry Christmas you guys!!!

  3. Only a 1/16 of an inch? I guess that rules out that kind of floor for the old farm house here. Mine wavers an 1/2" at least, and it was that way when they built it then added on a couple of rooms.
    Have a Merry Christmas!!

    1. MV - Yep when I stepped back I could see the ends sticking up from the sub-floor. My guess is that the middle of the laminate flooring section is more pliable than the channel sides and that in turn is making the section pull apart in one end or the other.

  4. Merry Christmas PP & wife! That floor will, hopefully, be behind (or beneath) you soon.

    1. DFW - I hope so!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!!!

  5. PP.....aka: Scrooge for today....and tomorrow!!!
    Merry Christmas PP, Sweet Wife, and Family. I think your Father may have something going there with waiting for everyone to stop by. We actually didn't do any shopping or making gifts this year. It's going to be a nice quiet Christmas. Hubby and I may even go into town to go see Unbroken at the theater.

    1. Sandy - My Dad has an endless list of folks inviting him for Christmas and he turns em all down. He likes spending them in quiet mode although he will prolly go over to my brothers house tomorrow. He has a severe cat allergy so won't come around here and hang out inside anyway.

  6. The rain and gloom doesn't help anyone's mood, it's the same weather story here in south central TN. Wishing you and yours a stress-free Christmas.

    1. NS - Well the hard part is over now so tomorrow should be much less hectic. My moms side of the family does the Christmas eve thing so it's always rush rush rush. My wife even snapped at the dog this afternoon.

  7. We really simplified Christmas this year and I'm all the happier for it! The family get together was at my son's last weekend, which meant a little cooking for my share but no other fuss to go along with it. The only decoration I put up was a wreath on the door and I'm so relieved to not have boxes of stuff to put away once it's over. Being out of work meant no money for presents, so there was no shopping to get frustrated over! Really makes a difference to keep it simple. Hopefully you all can now enjoy the day! Merry Christmas!


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