Thursday, May 8, 2014

Well That Seems to Have Worked

I woke up so stiff this morning I was sure I wouldn't be able to move until late afternoon. The wife was off today, it being a State Holiday, and she immediately started telling me the day was half over and she had a list of stuff for me to do.

I went back to bed and promptly stayed there until 9:30........

Seriously I was hurting.

When I did venture out she was not much amused but that didn't stop her from having me work on the raised beds some more. I spent about the first hour or so digging most of the dirt from one raised bed that had been invaded by crab grass and a bit of morning glory with a spade fork then sifting through the dirt to get all those pain in the A$$ roots I could find.

It did look much better when I was finished though I must say.

Then right when she was saying something about me planting the purple potatoes she had drying the phone rang and I got called into work for a few hours.

It's been spitting rain off and on all day but after I got home I had time to get the corn, a row of bush beans and the wife's purple potatoes in the ground before the real rain hit.

It's now pouring down pretty good. Enough that I am hoping it doesn't wash out my newly planted seeds. Heh I know I am never happy am I?

To make matters worse my little Pear trees that looked so good just yesterday appear to have contracted Fire Blight and the leaves are turning black this afternoon. I also noticed some splotches starting on my poor little Paw Paw tree as well. I don't know if the Paw-Paw can get Fire Blight or not.  The little Pears are only three years old now and appeared to be doing so well but they are now turning black right before my eyes. From what I been reading an infection this bad and quick is pretty much impossible to treat too so I may have to yank the poor little guys out this weekend.

If it's not one thing it's another I guess.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. You danced didn't ya explains the stiffness.Got rain here no hail no tornadoes hope yours was the same.

    1. Nope I sent Kymber an email and asked her to dance for me naked.... I assumed her dancing would get a better reception.

      I was right :)

    2. I don't know Kymber I've been by her blog a couple of times and had a comment typed up thought better.So no video:(

    3. buddy - i bin dancing nekkid for a while now. jeesh - what else am i to be blamed for??? and i will only bring on tornadoes if asked. as for blight, you need to add environmentally-friendly soap to a spray container - one part of soap to 3 parts water and spray all of the trees, both sides of leaves and branches and trunks...let it sit for a full day in the sun and then spray off with a hose. it works for us on aphids.

      much love to you and Mrs. PP. your friend,

      oh and stevie - you are always welcome to leave a comment on our blog!

  2. Our pear trees have so much fruit starting I'm going to be losing limbs. You are welcome to visit around harvest time.
    I'm trying the gopher torch (no sulfur) and it is doing a fine job of burning the weeds prior to plantng the garden. I'm hoping the roots will not send up new growth. If they were plants I wanted to keep I'm sure they would be dead, weeds I don't know.
    Four swarms here, on two I didn't need a ladder. Now it's raining again.

    1. MV - I haven't so much as heard a rumor of a swarm up here yet. I have not even noticed a scout bee checking out any of my traps either. I think the hives were so weakened from this horrid Winter it will take them an extra couple of weeks to build up to swarming.

      Come to think of it I haven't seen any drones yet either.

  3. we got blight on one of our pears last year and trimmed the crap out of it; basically to just one of the main leaders. Hoping we got it all, there are new shoots coming up, but if I see ANY blight this year, it's going in the burn pile, I don't want it getting to the other pears, although the other ones are Moonglow which are supposed to be more resistant to fire blight. Good luck with yours & thank goodness you did that rain dance, we got some here!!

    1. Carolyn - Well the one little pear is almost totally Black but no signs of it being in the wood yet. At least no broken areas with the red inside. If it is Fire Blight the whole tree is infected so I will just yank it and the other one out and burn em then wait a while before trying a different variety I guess.

  4. Those seeds should really come up with that rain. Maybe things will turn out OK. Just got in from doing some more tilling to be ready when the weather cools some when I will set out tomatoes.

    1. Sf - I noticed some actual new growth popping out today. No pole beans yet though :(

  5. What holiday is it there?

    In the mid eighties here and clear blue sky. I was driving on some dirt roads and noticed that even at 30 mph I was throwing up a plume of dust. Don't know how it got so dry, so quickly.

    1. Harry - It's Harry Truman's birthday. Government and semi-government employees get his birthday off in Missouri. Although my wife doesn't get all the straight government perks she does get their holidays. Or well she gets about half of them.

  6. Gone are the good long slow soaking rains of my youth. Today it is dry for weeks on end, then we get all our inches of lost rain, in a couple of hours. Or at least it seems that way.


    P.s. It's all Bush's fault. Betwixt his big ole gas guzzling truck, and the farting cows on his ranch, he has carbonated the ozone. We're all screwed because he's evil and dumb...

    1. Dan - It sure does seem to be the trend more or less doesn't it? I am not sure how much rain we got yet I will check the gauge tomorrow.

  7. good luck with the replanting. Storms here on and off all day.

    1. Rob - Hopefully I won't have to replant. It rained pretty heavy but the ground was dry enough it soaked it all up quick.

  8. We had a downpour tonight as well. I have not got out to look at the potential damage. I have already had almost no luck with my first planting; maybe the second will do better. We surely need the water though.


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