Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It Certainly is a Toos-day

Too wet and muddy to do any planting. Too rainy to bring out any tools. Too windy to burn off either of the two brush piles. Too cold to go poking around inside the bee hives.

You get the picture.

Of course it isn't too much of something to stop the damned grass from growing now is it. Which means I know what I am going to be doing as soon as it is dry enough to get out.

I have ventured out a couple of times to try and do something productive and each time it started spitting rain on me again and the temps have dropped back down into the 40's now. Guess maybe it's not too warm to start a fire. I am sure the wife will insist on one tonight.

Just been a general blah, depressing day really and it looks like tomorrow is suppose to be more of the same.

There hasn't even been any interesting news to keep up on today either. Some Femocrat Multi-Culter who obviously adheres to the Liberal double standard of die-versity for thee but not for me got banned from his own basketball team games for life. So much for freedom of speech and association I guess. Not like he hasn't worked and donated money for his own oppression over the years so I hope he enjoys the fruits of his labor. By looking at the guys picture he's pretty much a walking corpse anyway so a lifetime ban don't mean much. I enjoyed the comments from the typical lefty government sponge-types in the articles saying the NBA doesn't have to adhere to freedom of speech yadda yadda. Yet you can bet your A$$ if some private organization banned a minority for the same words against a White man the government would get involved and freedom of speech would be all the rage.

Funny how socialist cry freedom of speech for themselves but think it is quite alright to restrict it when they don't like what is being said isn't it? For some reason I am immediately reminded of Vermin Blogger Rodents when I see them crying about freedom of speech.

I did come across an interesting youtube video of the director of the EPA addressing the Hip-Hop caucus a few weeks ago. If you can stomach the propaganda watch it.

So there ya have it folks. Pollution and climate change is holding millions of young minorities back in life.

Care to guess where all the money is going to come from to clean up all this pollution or who all these new EPA rules are going to be directed at? She did mention power plants pretty openly didn't she?

When I see crap like the above mentioned examples I just can't help but feel the collapse simply can't come soon enough.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I am pretty happy for the rain- I was supposed to work the concession stand at the ball park tonight, and as luck would have it..It rained and all games cancelled...

    This should have happend to the NBA owner 10 years ago...they knew what he was like.

    1. JuGM - I just don't see where anything should have happened at all really. I mean what he said was in private and his own opinion. Still he has supported this type of religious persecution so it isn't like he doesn't deserve it.

  2. One minor concern, was this recording obtained legally?

    Are they now issuing penalties based on a recording obtained without his permission? The waacist catchers now led by Glenn Beck, Sean hannity and fox news, are now acting like a bunch of thought police.

    And yes he has a history of making remarks like this, so why now are his players thresthing to not play? They knew what he was and they've been taking his money all thus time.... hypocrites.

    Meanwhile WW3 is about start and this country is obsessed with racism....

    Personally everyone involved with the NBA sucks.

    Carry on.

    1. +1 Matt..... The only reason the players decided to scream foul was because the media got a hold of it and ran, then Magic Johnson started running his mouth, then Sharpton...while all long they all knew he was this way.

    2. Of course when it is the religious left being the bigot legality means nothing only their beliefs matter.

      I actually take this as a good sign really. The Multi-Cult has finally entered a period when it is easier to sacrifice the traitors who have been getting rich off of it than it is others. The purge is beginning.

  3. I'm in your camp, and it couldn't come soon enough for me either. But that's just a racist, bigot, right wing religious nut job talking....

    1. Izzy - Yep but as I pointed out the multi-cult now has to go after it's supporters to get the low hanging fruit. That may mean a turning point has been reached.

  4. We could use some of that rain up here ... hint, hint.

    1. RP - Well I guess we got your temps in December and January now we get your rain :)

  5. I bet your tractor driver is cold today!

  6. welcome to my wet, windy, rainy world. Keep those tractors dry, wouldn't want them to not start in the wet cold weather.

  7. Hey, you said "white man." You can't say "white man" on the internet! Now your blog will be disappeared by Google and when you try to find out what happened they will say it was a technical problem and they are sorry.

    Shouldn't you just take a day off now and then? I don't ever remember hearing you say you did something just for the relaxation or fun of it.

    Windy here all day but no rain. Suits me, we've had enough to last us a good long while.

    1. Harry - I take breaks during the day usually but there isn't much I would rather do than work around the place or on my bees. Traveling is just a hassle and if I go messing around I only want to spend money.

  8. PP,

    We like the rain, but no an over abundance at once. Yes, I so have to agree with you regarding the grass. It's always growing and needing cut.

    1. Sandy - I see a lot of people pointing fingers about lawns and much of it is justified. I mean yes it is stupid to spray and water I think but there are also good reasons to keep the grass around your house mowed. Theya re different depending on the area but around here if you let the grass grow and weeds you get wildlife entering the house and soon trees growing into the siding. You cannot just turn a lawn into something else. I can't let the sheep graze around my fruit trees because they will eat the trees. Lawns are a necessity but damnit they are such a pain and waste of time it feels like....


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