
Friday, February 1, 2013

Bad MoJo on the Radar

As preppers we have a few things to cause us some concern that popped up recently. Israel flying sorties over Syria and bombing Hezbollah arms supply convoys could trigger an event I figured would have happened a year ago at least. I honestly think the Israelis were placing all their bets on a Romney win the same as we Conservatives were, and now they finally know they are on their own. Unlike the panzy Republican talking heads who say there was no voter fraud I am not buying it. Hell even if there wasn't one underhanded incident the last 50 years has been nothing more than an open voter push for the democrats and in a  sense one big voter fraud. Done with Republican approval of all things....

Which means the Israelis were as shocked as we were I think.

I am not some anti-Semite in the slightest. I have no beef with Israel and hope them the best. What I don't understand is the Jewish-American love affair with the left. I mean I get the whole Jewish female/feminist gig, it suits them in a stereotypical way I guess. What I find myself wondering is do these American-Jewish Liberals go and hang out at the pro-Palestinian relief parties? Do they embrace this Muslim Bro-mance the Left has with Islam as well? Do they simply not understand that by supporting the left here in the Western world they are placing the mother country Israel on the sacrificial alter of Liberalism to be offered up to Islam in atonement for the mythical colonization of the world by the White man?

Do they think the White European male is responsible as a whole for the Holocaust and by weakening Western Civilization they assure it won't happen again? If they think that they are placing themselves in more danger with the Left I imagine.

I really just don't get it.

So I got that off my chest and this air strike is a development we will want to keep a close eye on for possible retaliatory strikes and such.

The other thing to really hit the airwaves or online papers today is this hostage situation down in Alabama. I have watched the AP article get stealth updated a few times today. At first they reported the guy as having a shotgun and being a general anti-social grump. Now it is a "firearm" and I bet it will be an "assault rifle" by morning and he is an anti-government "prepper" as well.

Boy Held Hostage in Alabama Bunker for Third Day

Oh and the lefty Obummer member muncher news media sites are now reporting that gun control has majority voter approval. That isn't surprising either as the Democrat mercenary voting army wants us White Boys disarmed as much as the Liberal/Feminist do so it stands to reason if they had enough votes for the election..yadda yadda...

I told ya my friends. The zombies are inside the wire and trying to figure out how to get into the bunker right now.

Oh and in true Democratic fashion the Zombies voted on whats for dinner as well. Guess who lost?

I just hope all the gun owners will keep their spines straight and not slink off under the Liberal propaganda pressure when the time comes because the pieces are moving folks and without everyone standing together a few of us are going to feel awfully lonely.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. I'm more worried about the drugs and the illegals then the guns.

    1. I am more worried about the politicians and the illegals :)

  2. Israel is a Socialist Secular state. So it has something to both love and hate for everyone. I just had a brief conversation with a doctrinaire liberal and noted that while the Isralies were not always the nicest people around, that all it would take is one little mistake and they would be overwhelmed and expecting no mercy. She took no exception to those statements. But even liberal christians tend to have sympathy for Israel, maybe not the leadership, but the individuals do. Of course supporting Israel's right to exist is not the same thing as supporting all their actions. But bombing the Syrians/Hezbollah? Why not.

    1. Well arming the obvious enemy is a bit beyond indifference though Russ.

      Still I see your point.

  3. Prep quietly, prep deep. The warning siren is going off, and 95% of the population is deaf.

    1. K - At this point I seriously hope the percentage that voted for Obama is completely deaf. Will make the rebuild easier if nothing else.

  4. k is quite right...95% of the population is deaf and has also turned a blind eye. by the way, every store in northeast mississippi is out of stock on ammo as of yesterday.

    1. I am seeing plenty of steel 7.62 x whatever but not much of anythign else. Although Dicks (who I refuse to buy from) had about 100 boxes of over priced .308 yesterday here in Mid-Mo.


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