
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A little Mid-Week Update

The warmth over the weekend was enough to push me out of my stupor a bit and I was able to get back out into the shop and get some more reloading done. I was also able to check on each hive and see them taking orientation flights and using the outside feeders I set up although one feeder had been carried off by some critter. With the rain threatening I didn't open them up but the activity was enough along with the sugar I placed in the hives earlier in the week to reassure me they in at least as good a shape as I can manage at this point.

I also got some more large wood split and a bit further along on clearing out the storage shed.

I did not get the seedlings started yet as I am attempting to figure out a suitable solution to the Mrs' cat adoption problem. In other words I can't figure out where to put the little pots without her mangy cats getting into them and if I shoot the things she will be angry at me. I am working on a solution and was about ready to begin cutting some wood to size when we got a glorious thunderstorm front that dropped about 3 inches of rain on us and now a cold snap with snow flurries.

Looks like it is back into hibernation for a bit but the fact that the bees got to feed and get out and we got some much needed moisture will make this next (hopefully) short hibernation stretch much more enjoyable.

Soon it will be time to start putting together new wooden ware for the bees, a new swarm trap or three and the ground will thaw enough to get some more junk picked up and brush cleared. I also need to make another woodchip run.

Eagerly awaiting Spring at this point.

I need to begin thinking about this Summer's experiments as well.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Can you build a small green house to start the seeds ???

    1. Rob - We have talked about it and I almost started building one but here anyway they still need to be heated when it gets cold. The glass just isn't enough for the winter months. We are just not sure of the final layout enough yet to start building one.

  2. Sprinkle red pepper generously to discourage the cats. I do this to keep them from fresh dirt around tomato plants or even my flowers. I have sprinkled it on my doormat to keep the cats from sleeping there and leaving fleas. I don't even have cats, just cat problems.

  3. Vinegar also works amazingly. For some reason, they will come nowhere near the things I spray with white vinegar

    1. Anon - I would assume you just spray around the plant pots? Doesn't vinegar kill an actual plant at least above the roots?


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